News Media and Racists: Both Threats to the USA
August 31, 2017
A new Fox News poll says nearly half the country believes the news media is equal to the white supremacist movement when it comes to being a threat to the USA.  We'll give you the numbers on the No Spin Newscast tonight and then talk about it with Bernie Goldberg.
The result can be put into perspective this way: there are very few white power people but the news media is all over.  And the press has now largely become a lobbying agency for liberal and politically correct causes.  When ESPN removes a football broadcaster from a game because his name is Robert Lee, you know there is madness in the air.
Americans who follow the media know what is going on and understand the situation is out of control.  That's why many folks have defined the media as a danger.
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Posted by Bill O'Reilly at 10:50 AM
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News Media and Racists: Both Threats to the USA
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