Hey BillOReilly.com Premium Members, welcome to the No Spin News September 4th, Tuesday, 2018. Take your country back.
So I'm sitting in my living room watching the hearing begin for Judge Brett Kavanaugh confirmation to the Supreme Court in the Senate Judiciary Committee, and all of a sudden all heck breaks loose and I was surprised and that's how much of a dweeb I am. I should have anticipated, and I didn't. I thought well, they just have the hearing. They'll start to ask the judge questions. Oh no. It was an orchestrated attempt by the senators from the Democratic Party on the Judiciary Committee to disrupt and hopefully postpone the hearing.
So Kamala Harris from California started it off, then she handed the baton I think to the guy from Connecticut, and Leahy got in there and now Hawaii lady got in there and it was basically we can't have this hearing, we can't have it! We got 42,000 documents last night and nobody could read them. This has to be postponed. This is an outrage! And I'm going wow, you already have 400,000 documents plus from Bush the Younger's administration because Judge Kavanaugh worked there as a counselor and adviser. You already have more than 400,000 you already have 300 rulings that he made as a federal judge and you've been asking and asking and asking for every scrap of paper on the face of the earth and the Trump Administration doesn't really want to give you any more, so they're citing executive privilege, but they did give up 42,000 more and you want to postpone? Well why?
The whole hearing is going to go on for days, so have your people read them and you know ask the questions at the end of the week. So anyway, Grassley the senator from Iowa, I believe, who is the chairman Republican of the Judiciary Committee he kind of stammered and stuttered but kept it under control. However, there was another element here and I'm saying, you got to understand I'm sitting here watching this and in my mind going why didn't I think this was going to happen and tell all my subscribers that this was going to happen, why didn't I? You're an idiot, O'Reilly so in the chamber some far left people got seats, I don't know how. And here's one of them. Roll the tape.
((yelling in background))
All right so that went on throughout the first hour of the hearings one after another, after another and the police they arrested, let me get the number, two dozen, 24 Capitol Police spokesman said. Two dozen. Well how did they all we get in there? So their screaming, I mean screaming when any Republican senator is speaking. It really was a bizarre display of our democracy.
Now, the bottom line on this is that Kavanaugh will have his hearings this week and he will be confirmed unless something is uncovered between now and early October when the vote will happen. I can't imagine what it might be because the Democrats have gone over this and over this and over this, in fact we learned during the hearing that over the Labor Day weekend there was a conference call with the judiciary senators from the Democratic side Chuck Schumer, other Democrat big shots, that orchestrated this whole disruption today. They rehearsed it. They knew who was going to say what. That's a little unsavory in my opinion. I'm not saying it doesn't happen on the other side, but you know when I heard that I went, you know what, why don't you just level with the American people, Democratic Party. Just go in say point of order Mr. Chairman, I would like to say something on behalf of the Democratic senators on the committee we will never vote for Brett Kavanaugh no matter how good he is, no matter what he says, we're never going to vote for him. And we don't want anybody selected by Donald Trump on the Supreme Court, ever! And we are going to do everything we can to obstruct this hearing and to make it impossible for Judge Kavanaugh to be confirmed, thank you, Mr. Chairman, I yield to the chair. If they said that which is exactly what this is, I would respect it. Now on the issues about abortion because the Democratic Party has gone now to the point where they want abortion on demand for any reason at any time, across the country. No limitations. That's where they are. Kavanaugh is never going to do that.
Roe V. Wade is not going to be overturned, all right. There will be challenges to some of it but the whole issue of legalized abortion in America will remain legalized. However, partial birth, state’s rights to say you can do this, you can't do that, that's where the abortion debate lies. And the progressive left doesn't want any restrictions at all. You saw that with Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign, Mrs. Clinton used to be a moderate on abortion didn't like partial birth abortion, certainly her husband didn't want it. OK but did it in her campaigning against Trump, I don't want any restrictions, none that signaled where the party was because she was the standard bearer. So recapping the hearing proceeded, I'm not going to play any sound from it. It's all predictable. If you want it, it's on the net. The Republicans love Kavanaugh the Democrats hate him, more Republicans than Democrats in the Senate. Kavanaugh comes off as a very honest man who has been responsible in his career. He'll get confirmed.
Let's get another point of view on this and I asked my staff to come up with a really smart guy, you know because we're trying to bring you, the people that you don't see on cable news. Not to denigrate cable news but I want to elevate. OK so we got Professor Bennett Gershman teaches at Pace Law School. But more than that he's a former prosecutor in the Manhattan district attorney's office and he has been a criminal defense attorney, so he's seen both sides of it. He has met Justice Kavanaugh and I want to bring him in today. Am I making any mistakes here, Professor?
"Bill, listen you pretty much said a lot of what I would have said. Believe it or not. I have to say that if the shoe is on the other foot and a Democratic judge was being brought before the Senate for confirmation you would have probably seen the same anger and frustration and demonstrations that you saw today. I want to say a few things, I as a constitutional scholar and teacher of constitutional law I think that Brett Kavanagh is a distinguished judge. He is absolutely well qualified to sit on the Supreme Court and I can't think of any reason why, if I were looking at his credentials record, why would I vote against him. But here's the problem, you know from the standpoint of those Democratic senators and much of the country that went through the nomination by President Obama of Merrick Garland and how the Republicans in Congress hijacked that nomination when the Republican senators changed the rules so that now a majority of the Senate, only a majority rather than the 60 votes is enough to confirm a new justice. You know the Democrats are more than angry, I mean I think they feel so bitter and over what's happened that they are just now engaged in this form of protest to at least let the country know where they stand on the kinds of issues that Judge Kavanaugh future Justice Kavanaugh will be addressing."
So you just said future Justice, so you agree with he's going to be confirmed?
"Oh absolutely, there is no chance that he won't be."
The problem with it is as I said, Professor if they would admit that what you just said, if they would say that then I would respect it. I'd say OK you got hosed on Merrick Garland and you didn't come up for vote and the Senate changed the rules it'll down the lane if you are if a Democrat becomes president it will help the Democrat, the majority on the Supreme Court. So that's not something that's always going to hurt the Democratic Party. But they don't say it. They use subterfuge, what about these protesters in the in the chamber? I mean this is just crazy and I wanted to ask you this, just as an American not as a lawyer and constitutional scholar, do you want people like we heard in that chamber having power in this country? Do you want that kind of a mob mentality that you scream down a Judiciary Committee? Do you want it?
"Bill, I go back to those years when I revered the Supreme Court and the nomination process. I think way back it was so much more eloquent and courteous and responsible. Today it's just become part of this vicious, divisive polarization that we have in our country. And I think what it does is, it undermines the nomination process. It undermines the character and the distinguished character, I have to say of Brett Kavanaugh and it undermines the judicial process in the Supreme Court. This is not the way I would like to see our constitutional justice system at work."
Now let me let me ask you this, all right. But you know why it's happened because from the bench, from the Supreme Court many things have been imposed on the American people that never would've pass the ballot box that never would have gotten into law. The judges and they didn't do that for a big long while in America but then the court started to get activist on both sides. All right. And the imposition of very important law on Americans didn't go through Congress anymore, it went through the Supreme Court which is the most powerful body in this nation. That's why the polarization has occurred.
"Regrettably the court has now become one of the political branches of government."
That's right.
"It's no longer seen as a as the magisterial place where justice is going to be done."
Above politics it is no longer seen that way.
"I agree completely, and I think that's unfortunate.".
You ought to have me talk to your class here, I'll lay it on the line to them. I appreciate it Professor very nice of you to help us out.
"Nice to be on the show, Bill, thank you."
We have we have a number of other stories Bob Woodward's book as I wrote in my message of the day is dropped in the Washington Post. Woodward is an associate editor of The Post. And unfortunately, because I do like Bob Woodward and I've had him on many, many times, it's no attribution to what he has in the book it's all unquote, unquote deep background. OK. So Woodward wrote a book trashing Trump called Fear: Trump in the White House and he uses anonymous stuff to just trash Trump, page in page out. You can decide whether that's worthy or not, I can't say that Woodward is not honest. I'm sure he was told this stuff. I don't think he made it up but there's no attribution for it. So let me put it this way, maybe you in your life have children. All right. And maybe you had to discipline those children some time and maybe those children didn't like you at that point and said they hated you, or you were this or you were that OK. And their punishment got worse because they were disrespectful. That ever happened to you? Did your children ever get angry at you and say bad things about you and harbor a little resentment. How about running a company?
I run a company now. You're watching it. You know sometimes I got to get tough, sometimes people make mistakes they shouldn't make and I'm an Irishman and I'm loud and I'm sure some of my employees over the years because I ran the factor like a Navy Seal unit. OK O'Reilly, aye aye, OK. Right? And if you had a job and your boss did something stupid I'm sure you said bad things about him or your neighbor or anybody your brother, your sister. This is what happens, this is human nature, doesn't mean you hate them, it doesn't mean that you think that they're unworthy of whatever. It's an emotional response. So Woodward goes in and he's a brilliant man, Woodward's brilliant. The only person on earth who has had more number one bestseller nonfiction books is me, than Woodward and this will be number one because the media is going to, you know what they're going to do with this. That's why I pushed back killing the SS to October 9th. Every second is going to be Woodward, Woodward, Woodward, Woodward says this, Woodward says that. OK so I'm reading some of this stuff I'm not going to read it to you, if you're interested it's all over the place and I'm going so what? So John Kelly chief of staff got mad at him. So Mattis, defense secretary, got mad at him. So Trump didn't know a lot of stuff. So Trump's mad Jeff Sessions and says bad things about him. This is all normal behavior for human beings.
Trump just shoots from the lip, boom, boom, boom whatever emotional state, Trump told me I should see a psychiatrist when I said something he didn't like and he was serious, all right. That doesn't mean Trump doesn't like me or respect me. So the Woodward book, predictable I knew it was going to happen but I didn't want to say it before the facts were in. But there's no attribution to anything and you know Bob Woodward knew when he started to write this book that if it came out that Trump was the greatest and that Trump was doing something that no other president had ever done and overcoming hurdles because the establishment didn't like what Trump was trying to accomplish, if Woodward had written that book he would have sold a few copies to Trump supporters. But the Washington Post his employer wouldn't have liked it and he will sell far more by trashing him, far more books by trashing Trump. That is the way it is, you trash somebody you get much more attention, then if you say they're OK.
Again, I'm not casting aspersions on Bob Woodward, I believe he's an honest man. But I know what he was after what he was looking for. And he found it, big surprise to anyone? No. But now let's see what did I say, September 4th, through the rest of the month you're going to hear this stuff. And if Kelly and Mattis were that disenchanted with Donald Trump, they would have resigned as the media said Kelly was going to do. And of course, the media was wrong, as usual. OK.
Colin Kaepernick, Colin Kaepernick has signed up with Nike. Let's show the ad on that and Nike puts his face on and Nike says, "Believe in something, even if it means sacrificing everything. Just do it." OK. Let me read you my tweet that I put out this morning after I saw that ad. Quote, "Remember when Colin Kaepernick wore socks that depicted police officers as pigs. So here's my question for Nike: If Mr. Kaepernick were socks mocking Muslims or gays, would you hire him to endorse your products?" I'm a simple man with a simple question. Do you think they would have? I don't.
Now here's the deal, I have nothing against Colin Kaepernick. I think he's a pretty good quarterback, surely good enough to play in the NFL. I believe he is sincere in the sense that he believes America is not kind to minorities, he sincerely believes that. He has made errors in judgment, the socks with the pig police people on it, disgusting, revolting, immature. Should never have happened but it did. Never hear the media mention it, ever. All the media wants is for the country, the United States, to be run down to be disparaged by athletes not respecting it enough to stand during the Anthem. That's all the media wants. And because Trump has come down on the side of the anthem the media is even more a lather. So the question becomes is Nike going to get hammered and my opinion is yes they are. Already people on the net and this is where the discourse is are destroying Nike products and saying terrible things about Nike and that will continue. So Nike is going for a younger audience, a younger demographic, but remember younger people are not that politically involved. The older people who buy Nike products are not going to like this and they won't buy Nike products any longer.
So my prediction is the Nike campaign will hurt Nike and there's nothing wrong with voting with your wallet. If you're offended by Colin Kaepernick’s behavior, if you're offended by Nike's sponsorship of said behavior, don't buy it, I'm not calling for a boycott. I'm just saying make up your own mind. I don't believe in boycotts, generally speaking. Unless somebody's life is in danger like we had in Mexico years back. Now again, I respect Collin Kaepernick's right to dissent and I believe he sincerely thinks the country is unfair to minorities, but Collin Kaepernick is not smart enough to understand that you don't denigrate police officers who put their lives on the line every day. And you don't insult paying customers in a stadium before a football game. Mr. Collin Kaepernick does not understand that, no matter how many times you said it, no matter how slowly you form the words, he wouldn't understand it because he doesn't want to.
OK. New Yorker Magazine far left, never read it, don't care about it. They have a festival and they invite Steve Bannon to be interviewed by their editor. Immediately other people invited to the festival like director Judd Apatow and actor Jim Carrey quit the festival. Apatow says quote, "If Steve Bannon is at the New Yorker Festival I am out. I will not take part in an event that normalizes hate." OK. So I guess in Mr. Apatow's mind Steve Bannon promotes hate. That's Apatow's opinion but by muzzling Bannon who was disinvited that's how strong and courageous the New Yorker is, as soon as this happened they dumped Bannon. But by saying to Steve Bannon you don't have a right to speak at any event I'm at. Isn't that hate? Isn't Apatow, as the kids would say, hating on Steve Bannon? I believe it is.
Chicago. Round of applause Mayor Rahm Emanuel says he will not run for re-election next year. That's because he's lost control of the city. Over Labor Day weekend six dead, 23 others wounded in shootings since Memorial Day, more than a thousand people in Chicago shot. OK 1400 police officers all on overtime in a city that's bankrupt, patrolled over the Labor Day weekend to keep the death toll down. And they succeeded to some extent, it's not as bad as it was last year or in 16. But Rahm Emanuel is done. Good.
Louis Farrakhan showed up at the funeral for Aretha Franklin, I guess they were friends, had a prominent position. All right. However, the media didn't show Farrakhan. Let's see the pictures. So here they were side by side, there's Farrakhan, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Bill Clinton but MSNBC and ABC News cropped Farrakhan out of the picture. OK. There you go. There's your national media network.
Aretha Franklin's family now says the eulogy given by Reverend Jasper, Jasper Williams Jr. was offensive. The Reverend had eulogized Aretha Franklin's father, had known the family for 40 years, OK. Here's what the reverend said. Go.
"Where is your soul black man. As I look in your house there no fathers in the home, no more. Where is your soul? 70 percent of our households are led by our precious, proud, fine, black women. But as proud, beautiful and fine. As our black women are, one thing a black woman cannot do. A black woman cannot raise a black bot, to be a man."
So that's offensive now to the family of Aretha Franklin. The Reverend speaks the truth and used that form, perhaps inappropriately, I mean that's a legitimate discussion to make a very important point that, that is the root of chaos among many young African-American males. No father. Now that's offensive? That's offensive? The truth is, the truth is offensive to many steeped in ideology, on both sides but primarily in the progressive community.
All right the mail.
Diane Bagdonis. Rolling Meadows, Illinois.
"Bill, do you think based on only information coming out about illegal and corrupt means used to begin the Mueller investigation should be closed down?"
I do not, Diane because if you closed it down then it becomes a impeachment tool. And I think we should see what Mueller's got, that is what I think.
George on the message boards.
"Lanny Davis misled, he spread falsehoods but he's not a liar? You have to explain that one, Bill. Are falsehoods not lies?"
I hesitate to call people liars because in order to lie it has to be a calculated, all right, well thought out deception. All right some people just say things that are not true, but they don't calculate it. They're just speaking of the top of their head in a fallacious way Donald Trump does it all the time. Is he lying? He just says what pops into his mind. Now I can't condemn Lanny Davis as a liar, but I can say and he himself has admitted it, what he did tell you was not true. What he threw CNN. Now if you want to call him a liar, I don't have a problem with that, it's just the way I see it.
"Bill I agree with your assessment that the wall to wall media coverage of Senator McCain's funeral is due to his disdain for Donald Trump. Proof will eventually come out when Sen. Bob Dole passes away."
Sure. I mean Bob Dole is not going to get any of this coverage even though he is a war hero and a vice presidential nominee and all that. But McCain was also contemporary whereas Bob Dole hasn't been for quite some time. But if McCain had been a stalwart supporter of Donald Trump the media would never have given him the sendoff they did.
Lois. On the message boards.
"Regarding the McCain funeral, isn't there any single place where people can stop being partisan and pay respect to the parts of life that a person spent for good. Good grief."
You know Lois, in our day of age, there are in our day of age there aren't very few places where you can emphasize the positive and not bring in the negative, particularly in the political arena.
Joe. On the message boards.
"Does anyone know why Bill Clinton didn't speak at McCain's funeral or did I miss that?"
John McCain selected the people he wanted to speak at his funeral, simple as that, before he died.
Larry Coater. Powhattan Point, Ohio.
"Came to a revelation watching Senator McCain's funeral, my dislike for McCain affected my belief in negative stories about him, is this not the same thing that Trump haters are doing? I have resolved to seek the truth of the matter before coming to a conclusion."
Way to go Larry, very good. You know if you don't like somebody you want to believe the worst. Seek the truth. Get the facts. If you can, stay here, we'll give them to you.
Lynn Layamback. Penfield, New York.
"We really appreciate the podcast, Bill. It is the only place where the real truth is available. You mentioned last week Obamacare can never be repealed. If the Republicans keep control the House and the Senate, why can't it be repealed?"
I said that it's not likely the whole deal to come up for a vote again anytime soon could be repeal. If the Senate and House stays in Republican hands. They might give it another shot but more, there are some parts of it that people like, like the preexisting conditions. So I see these politicians as right now it's not going to come back up but it could, it could.
And finally, Eleanor Moshinsky. Pinehurst, North Carolina.
"Love your show, follow you every night. I wanted your opinion on what will happen in the financial markets after the midterms? If the Dems take one or both of the houses will there be a huge correction?".
I can't make those kinds of predictions, I mean I would assume it's not going to be a good day for the stock market, if the Dems take back the House and or the Senate as well after, I assume that what happened but long term nobody knows. You know you've got to buy stocks that you're, want to hold for a while. Right now, at my point in life I buy stocks that pay good dividends, so even if the stock goes down, I'm still getting paid. And then you hope that goes up, you know because the stock market is, like this and I don't do a lot of spec anymore. You know I see it all over the Internet, this company is going to do this. I don't believe any of these people, they don't know. If they did know they wouldn't be working every day, they'd be billionaires, they wouldn't have to work.
OK. We get some new stuff in the store on BillOReilly.com, Killing the SS, out on October 9th if you order it from us and remember you can order on Amazon or Barnes Noble, but if you order it from us you get a free copy of Old School. OK. We will just throw it in for you.
Now, Killing Patton, comes out September 25th in paperback. This was by design, Killing Patton leads right into Killing the SS, so Killing Patton is in paperback September 25th, first time ever, most of our books don't go to paperback for years because they continue to sell, 12 million copies of Killing books have sold and it's believable. Anyway, if you buy from us the paperback of Patton, we will throw in Killing Jesus paperback free. So we have great deals here. I mean we really do. And we get sales on everything, we've got No Spin News hats, they're new. Take your country back stuff, everything's marked down after summer blow out and stock up for a holiday gift giving, save a ton, that's thinking ahead. That's being proactive.
Word of the Day Do not be a nebbish, when writing to BillOReilly.com. Tomorrow will be in the city, OK, we got Monica Crowley on board. And next week Judge Ken Starr will be on the program, got a lot of good bookings coming up this fall, big bookings. This is taking on a lot of momentum now and we appreciate you helping us out, spreading the word about the No Spin News, BillOReilly.com Premium Membership. Talk to you again tomorrow. |