Bill O'Reilly
June 13, 2024
Executive Privilege Debate

If you have a few moments, check out my debate with Chris Cuomo last night over Executive Privilege.  We've posted it on the site for your convenience.

In short, Cuomo is trying to portray me as a hypocrite for supporting President Trump's blocking the release of the full Mueller Report transcript, while I am criticizing President Biden's assertion of privilege for refusing to release the video of his interview with Special Counsel Robert Hur.

Cuomo has to know the two situations are not even remotely similar.

Trump was not charged by Mueller in the phony Russian Collusion case.  But, Mueller took some opinionated shots at the Don inside the written report.  Trump did not want those criticisms made public.

Hur told the nation that he did not charge Biden for illegally having classified documents in his garage partially because he believes the President is so befuddled and mentally confused, no jury would convict him.

Okay, let's see if Hur's assessment is correct.  Reading a transcript and seeing video tape are two vastly different things.

But the real insult here is the issue of a presidential election.  Voters should actually see their President under pressure so they can evaluate his mental state for themselves.  This is extremely important and far beyond any opinion Robert Mueller might have offered.

But Joe Biden does not want Americans to see the video.  And Chris Cuomo as well as millions of Democrats are fine with that.

Well, I'm not.  Way too much at stake with Biden's mental state.  We the people, should be able to decide for ourselves based on video evidence.

Let me know what you think:

Posted by Bill O'Reilly