Hey BillOReilly.com Premium and Concierge Members, welcome to the No Spin News for Monday, June 22, 2020. Fight for your freedom.
Tonight’s rundown:
- President Trump’s rally—what you won’t hear from the mainstream media.
- President Trump’s overall strategy—what the President and his campaign are trying to do.
- Washington Examiner White House Correspondent Rob Crilly opines on President Trump’s campaign strategy.
- Radicals topples George Washington statue, another attempt by the far-left to destroy our country’s heritage.
- Black Lives Matter founders reveal themselves as trained Marxists.
- The US reported 36,000 new Coronavirus cases on Sunday as many states now mandate face masks.
- The pandemic going forward—what the big picture looks like.
- Violence is mounting everywhere because of the defund the police movement—‘woke’ police leads to death.
- This Day in History: the event the ultimately led to Hitler’s defeat.
- Final Thought on Dads.
In Case You Missed it: