The Afternoon Dispatch is written by staff.
The leaks have begun; the deluge will come very soon. Members of the Biden administration are finally admitting, anonymously for now, that their boss has long been non compos mentis. That’s a fancy Latin phrase meaning, in effect, ‘tetched in the head.’
The cognitive decline of Joe Biden was obvious for years to anyone who listened to his garbled syntax and watched him try to find his way off a stage. But the Trump-hating corporate media did everything in their power to hide the big guy’s deterioration. This willful blindness was best illustrated by MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough, who affirmed in March that Joe Biden was ‘far beyond cogent.’
Then Joe Biden’s feeble mental state was exposed for all to see on the night of June 27th, when the president was ‘far beyond incoherent’ in his debate with Donald Trump. His stumbling and bumbling were no surprise to anyone whose media intake extends beyond MSNBC and The Atlantic.
Three weeks before that campaign-ending debate, The Wall Street Journal reported that the White House had long been working overtime to hide the president’s decline. That article was met with a barrage of criticism from the president’s Democratic and media defenders. Prevaricator-in-Chief Karine Jean-Pierre insisted that the president simply had a badnight and all those damning videos were mere ‘cheap fakes.’
Last week, of course, another Journal report documented how the president has been diminished for years, unable to focus and childlike in his need of constant supervision. But the liberal media continued to play their assigned role; at a recent press briefing, KJP was not asked one single question about the Journal piece. After his Fox News colleague Jacqui Heinrich was not called on, Peter Doocy scorned the White House press corps for having ‘no curiosity.’
But there’s no doubt that the emperor’s nakedness has finally been exposed. Expect the floodgates to open very soon, with magazine articles and full-length books about Joe Biden’s long deterioration. We’ll eventually learn the full extent of the White House cover-up.
One question remains: How will the left-wing media handle the imminent revelations? One Washington veteran, former CNN pundit Chris Cillizza, has just confessed to irresponsibly overlooking President Joe Biden’s mental and physical decline. Any honest reporter will do the same. If, that is, there are any left.
The views expressed in the Afternoon Dispatch are those of staff.