Bill O'Reilly
June 30, 2020
Radicals Trying to Ban St. Louis
On this Tuesday, I continue to be astounded by the lunacy on display in America. Now the radicals want to banish St. Louis.
That’s correct - the name St. Louis is apparently triggering negative feelings in some far left kooks. But why? I don’t know.
St. Louis was named by French trappers who floated the Mississippi River in the 18th century. They established an outpost near the river and named it after the famous French king and canonized saint... Louis the ninth.
Born in 1214, Louis by most accounts was a good guy. He fed his poor subjects, reformed the French justice system introducing due process, and upheld the Christian belief system - unusual for a King back then... hello Henry the Eighth.
Other countries actually used King Louis to arbitrate disputes because of his quote: “moral integrity.”
So what’s the beef with St. Louis, far left loons? What new city name do you want?
Actually, I’m foolish for even asking that question. The radicals could brand the city Fidelville ... or Che - Fransisco.
Wait, San Francisco is also named after a saint ... and Los Angeles after angels.
Sorry I brought it up.
Power to the people.
Leave St. Louis alone.
Tonight on the No Spin News, we’ll have reaction to our “Stand Up for Your Country” campaign. Hope you check in beginning at six eastern.
Posted by Bill O'Reilly