Hey BillOReilly.com Premium and Concierge Members, welcome to the No Spin News for Tuesday February 9, 2021. Stand Up for Your Country.
Tonight’s rundown:
- Opening Statements from House Managers in the Trump’s 2nd Impeachment Trial
- Why are we spending millions of dollars to keep the National Guard in D.C.? – There’s only one reason, and that’s to promote fear of the right
- According to the Pentagon, ex-military members are being recruited by extremist groups due to their experience with weapons and leadership skills
- What ever happened to the caravan that was headed to the U.S. from South America?
- College students continue to denounce universities for their lack of ‘anti-racism” courses
- Alcohol and Drug Abuse have been on the rise since the pandemic began – when will our leaders finally take notice and address the REAL health crisis?
- Renowned documentary filmmaker, Ken Burns is under attack by PBS, but why? Isn’t he a prominent liberal!?
- This Day in History, 1971: ‘All In the Family’ - Archie Bunker learns his best friend is gay
- Final Thought: Bill’s close calls with COVID
In Case You Missed it: