Bill O'Reilly
July 13, 2018
Peter Strzok Exposes Russia Collusion Investigation

President Trump and British Prime Minister Theresa May held a fairly effective press conference today. Glenn Beck and I discussed it on the radio. We’ve posted it on the site.

But the most important story of the week is former FBI agent Peter Strzok exposing the entire Russia-collusion investigation. This is a criminal matter and Strzok’s documented bias against Donald Trump means there is “reasonable doubt” about the entire case. Period.

Also, it was sadly apparent that not one Democrat on the House Oversight Committee had any problem with Strzok despising Donald Trump even before the investigation began. That is appalling.

Next week I will be reporting from Ireland with Monica Crowley in New York. We’ll have a great time everyday so I hope you’ll listen.

Have a great weekend.

Posted by Bill O'Reilly