Corruption within the Federal Government
August 29, 2018

President Trump is getting a breather this week as many “anonymous sources” are on vacation. Also, their enablers in the press are off, so the hate-Trump machine is suppressed for a few days.

It is worth repeating that CNN used a phony source in July, attorney Lanny Davis, to broadcast a false story about Michael Cohen “knowing” that Donald Trump had advance knowledge of his son meeting with Russians.

Cohen and Davis deny that now, so there is no question the story is false, yet CNN refuses to retract... which tells you all you need to know about them.

In addition, today we learned from congress people investigating the Justice Department that the FBI (under former Attorney General Holder) leaked information to the press using the “anonymous source” ruse, then turned around and used the media articles to convince judges to issue surveillance warrants. That’s a crime.

Tonight on the No Spin News, we will continue analyzing the corruption that is becoming overwhelming in the federal government. Will Attorney General Sessions launch new investigations?

See you tonight beginning at 7 eastern. Thanks for visiting us today.

Posted by Bill O'Reilly at 10:17 AM
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