President Trump VS The Radical Left
July 16, 2019
It will be fascinating to see if President Trump wins his dice roll against four radical congresswomen.  Mr. Trump is gambling that Americans have had enough of the radical left and is using his vast power to demonize Ms. Ocasio-Cortez and the others.
In this case both sides are doing essentially the same thing.  The radical left has labeled the President “racist” and is suggesting that anyone who supports Mr. Trump is racist as well.
The President is saying that the radicals are anti-American and should leave the building much like Elvis.  Except the building in this case is the country.
Both sides are nasty.  Both can be extreme.  The challenge for voters is - who is correct?
I deeply analyze the racist charge against Donald Trump in my upcoming book “The United States of Trump.”  I believe you’ll find my assessment interesting but it’s complicated so I’ll have to keep you in suspense.
Keeping in mind that both sides could be wrong in this current brouhaha, there is no suspense about the radicals: they despise America as it is and their policies would wreck the economy and lead to massive social disorder.
So there’s that.
Tonight on the No Spin News broadcast, I will examine the social disorder aspect further.  We’ll also have an eyewitness report from the southern border.
See you at 7!
Posted by Bill O'Reilly at 4:19 AM
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