Bill O'Reilly
June 17, 2024
Witnessing the President's Decline

With a ferocity rarely displayed, the White House is counterattacking folks who allege Barack Obama helped President Biden get off the stage at a celebrity benefit Saturday night. The video seems to show that but it's a distant shot so there's some doubt if you are a fair-minded person.

The New York Post, which has become Mr. Biden's primary tormentor, is flashing the story, causing the President's spokespeople to criticize the paper in very personal ways. It's a political food fight, no question.

But I'm a bit perplexed. There is no doubt that Joe Biden has become a wanderer. Dion once sang about that, and maybe Joe is acting out the song.  But, come on, if the White House is going to deny the President is, at times, flummoxed, it will lose that battle.

We all are witnessing the President's decline.

Bewitched, bothered, and bewildered, Joe Biden entered his personal twilight zone years ago.  All honest people know that. But Joe toes the progressive line, and that's what matters most to the political left.  Problem-solving ability is not important to them.  Ideology is.  Mr. Biden does what he is directed to do.

Barack Obama certainly directed him off that stage. What's the cliche? Oh, yeah. A picture is worth a thousand words.

See you this evening for the No Spin News.

Posted by Bill O'Reilly