No Spin News
Monday, September 18, 2017

Hey Premium Members welcome to the No Spin News for Monday, what date is it today? The 18th, already, of September.

Well we got storm is brewing again in the Caribbean.

Oh man. You know these things are really life altering and there is nothing we can do. You can't analyze a storm, it's just an act of nature. And it just keeps going on.

Now there's a lot of news breaking today, some of it about me. And we have posted a article which you should read. And I hope you do, on about one of these women who smeared me being arrested - arrested and charged - for filing a false police report.

Are you surprised?

I told you from the jump that this smear that was directed toward me was very well organized and very well-funded and we're going to expose it.

Now we started today with this article and I appeared on Sean Hannity's radio program. We have excerpts posted on this website and on Sean's website.

Pretty pretty powerful interview between Hannity and me. We've known each other a long time. This is just the beginning.

So it's very important stuff.

But I want to get to the big story of the day which is Donald Trump in the United Nations tomorrow at 10:30 Eastern Time. The president will address the U.N.

Now, I hear all kinds of things about what he might say but I'm going to direct this to the president and this is what you should say.

Now, I know I'm being presumptuous. I don't want to come across as supercilious, word of the day supercilious - I don't want to be that. Means arrogant - but if I'm the president and I have this worldwide forum tomorrow, knowing that much of the world is skeptical about me. Much of the world because of the media and because of president's own actions are very skeptical and negative toward Donald Trump.

So here's what I do.

I make this speech 80 percent about North Korea because that's something on which most of the world can agree. This guy running that country is dangerous and he could start a world war.

Everybody knows that, no right, left, no he said, she said, no global warming. None of that - dangerous - and the United States seems to be the only country willing to take him, on with the help of Japan and the others. But the major players, Russia China USA, Russia and China sit it out.

As usual.

So if Donald Trump. I get up there and I say listen, we appreciate the United Nations taking sanctions against North Korea.

Compliment them.

I know a lot of you don't like the U.N. I'm not thrilled with the U.N., have never been thrilled with it. There's a lot of corruption there. But if you're the president, compliment them - we did the right thing. Sanctions against North Korea. But it might not be enough, we might have to go in and take this guy out.

Kim Jong Un, he may have to go. Over the weekend Trump called him the Rocket Man of the Elton John song. That's I thought pretty clever. But the far left. All they care. Oh no. You can't say Rocket Man I mean that's how crazy it's gotten, anyway.

So Donald Trump is there and he outlines that the United Nations did a good thing, and now he wants more good things.

Wants the world come together to get this guy out of there in North Korea. Because he's not going to stop. And that means strangle him economically. You know, China sealing the border would do it.

And China can seal that border like that.

That would do it, because North Korea is tottering.

People don't have enough to eat there. The military - big military - they're not so crazy about all this nutty stuff.

You know people want to live, they don't want to die.

So I'd spend a lot of time explaining to the world why the United States feels that North Korea is such a threat and that we want the world to unite with us to deal with that threat because we don't want dead children. If this guy decides to launch a nuke somewhere. Right? Does that make sense? So instead of going in and saying, eh U.N., you don't pay your share, a lot of countries aren't paying what they should, we're carrying the ball here in the USA - which we are. But instead of that, be more statesman like. Try to persuade the world that you President Trump are looking out for the world.

Not just American interests - looking out for the world. Nikki Haley is pretty good. She's the U.N. ambassador - remember, Ms. Haley didn't like Donald Trump in the South Carolina primary. They went back and forth. All right. They were not friends, but Donald Trump - shows you what kind of guy he is, didn't hold that against Governor Haley and appointed her to the U.N. position and she is pretty tough. So he works Haley in and he compliments as many countries as he can. And then if he wants to bring up Iran, you know, Iran, been quiet lately - but there's still a threat.

You know, he can bring that up to some extent - but you don't want to be confrontational. In this U.N. speech this is a chance for President Trump to gain some credibility throughout the world. Now I know a lot of you say, we don't need credibility overseas - we do. It makes our lives a lot easier. We have a much better relationship now with Israel for example, the president met with Netanyahu today, than the Obama administration had.

That helps us because Mossad, the Israeli secret police Secret Service gives us information - vital information. They're the best, Mossad. And Netanyahu likes Trump - that strengthened our position against Islamic terrorism. And in almost every country if we get a better relationship with that country - and that includes China and Russia - strengthens the U.S.

Now I don't know how you get it with Putin. He's a guy that likes to provoke, China a little nervous. They're a little nervous, China. They don't want their economy to collapse - and it would if a world war breaks out. That's the message - if war breaks out it's bad for everybody. The whole world economy shakes. All right jobs are lost. People suffer.

If he can just bring that in tomorrow. I think the country would be stronger. He himself would be stronger and the American people maybe would breathe a sigh of relief, if some of those people who despise Trump. So let's bring in Dr. Austan Goolsbee. Smarter than I am, I have to say that to get him on the program today. He teaches at the University of Chicago and he's one of our favorite guests.

[Guest Interview with Austan Goolsbee]

OK, let's go to St. Louis. Now here is another situation where, I'm not going to try this case - I just don't know. All right. But a judge found a former police officer not guilty of murder after he shot a black man five times.

And there's evidence that the police officer was angry. He said apparently on the cam that he wanted to kill the guy.

All of that. Not trying it. Don't know what happened. And I don't have any problem with people going out and showing their displeasure with the judge's verdict. No. No problem. That's what we Americans do. However you can see that within that crew there are people with masks on. OK. Now I could never figure this out. Every city should have a law against demonstrators wearing masks. That's too easy for terrorists to do. And these people are terrorists. So what happened was they had to arrest 130 of them. I think 80 St. Louis police officers were hurt. They were throwing stuff, they were setting fires.

It wasn't the mass demonstrators.

It was the hardcore that always come in.

Now I don't get - as soon as you see a mask, guy with a mask or a woman with a mask. The cops go in and arrest them. That's it. And these 130 who were arrested, very high bail, because these are the worst of the worst. These aren't the peaceful demonstrators.

These are the destructive demonstrators - very high bail, let them sit there, and then if they're convicted - prison time! Missouri state prison, that's the only way to deal with it, or we will have this over and over and over and over again.

All right, Emmys. I'm sitting in my living room last night and I'm not a big awards kind of guy, I don't care what the red carpet is, I don't care what the ladies are wearing, I don't care to see grinning people in the bleachers. I don't care.

But I did turn it on, just out of curiosity, and I turned it off. Two and a half minutes later. Two and a half minutes.

That's all I could take. Why? Because the crowd was smug. That isn't the word of the day, you know what it means.

S M U G. Smug.

All right. And it was like, ah ,you're just actors and performers. That's what you do. You're talented but then you have no right to radiate superiority and particularly when it comes to politics when most of you don't know anything.

Now, there is one very objectionable part of that program. Lily Tomlin Jane Fonda and Dolly Parton member the 9-to-5 crew. You know they got personal and political. Roll it.

So all that is, is a cheap shot ladies. It's just a cheap shot. Doesn't accomplish anything. You and your crew. Hey Trump. We got it. All right. The Hollywood industry is 80 percent left wing. We got it. The 20 percent who aren't are in danger of not being hired. That's nice isn't it. Isn't that nice. You want McCarthyism. You got it in reverse. If you wear a Make America Great Again hat, And you're an actor or an actress, not going to hire you.

You lose jobs. Yeah they're nice. So we have to put up with it because you have freedom of speech out there in Hollywood, you get freedom of speech. You can do all this stuff, but I can call you out on it. Cheap shots, OK. How long do you think Jane Fonda would stand up under my questioning? How long?

You want to get in the arena. Get in the arena - debate it. Put yourself out there. Cheap shot up on a stage when you know your little minions are going to go, whoa whoa whoa. You know. Awful.

Story of the day for me. Dallas, Texas.

I worked there for two years - Channel 8. All right. Love Texas. Independence, people are self-reliant.

Didn't like the summer.

But other than that, fascinating place.

Dallas, Texas independent school district now considering changing the names of schools named after Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, and James Madison. I told you, I told you this was coming.

This is why killing England is a necessity. You have to read it. It's out tomorrow.

Talked about it with Sean Hannity today in detail. OK. You have to know who Benjamin Franklin was, who Thomas Jefferson was, George Washington. The rest of them. If you don't, the far-left is going to try to disassemble those icons. And what is the ultimate goal here? To change the Constitution. That is the ultimate goal. OK. Because the far left believes this country was founded and still exists on white supremacy. That's what they believe. They believe the Constitution is a document that promotes white supremacy.

So unless you the American people show your disdain to that philosophy they're going to make inroads, because they are already hauling down statues, historical statues of Robert E. Lee, Stonewall Jackson. These are historical statues.

They don't stand for anything but history. You can make an argument that Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson fought for the wrong side, and they did. They did, but the Civil War was a defining moment in this country. And you're hauling down statues of generals? For what reason?

If if it's an honorarium I could see it.

If it's a historical display, it's fascism.

But to try to rename these schools after - and the greatness of Franklin Jefferson and Washington, people don't understand it - they don't understand what these men did.

No one is perfect.

We need to be evaluated, not judged, evaluated in totality. In totality. So you have to know who they are and that's what Killing England: the Brutal Struggle for American Independence is all about.

Who they are.

What they did.

Now the far left, they're going to attack this book, I understand New York Times going to attack it tomorrow. All right. And that's what they do. They attack me, they attack my book. They attack everything I do. Because they don't want this voice to be heard. They don't want you to know. So we hope you check that out if you buy it on, get 50 percent off and of the other Killing books. You going to Amazon, Barnes and Noble, you know,walk in - go to Barnes and Noble store, walk in and pick it up. You start reading it, you're not going to be able to stop.

All right finally 40 percent of Americans cannot name one right in the First Amendment.

Nice shirt, right? Yes. I like it. OK.

Can you name one, or can you name all of them? Here we go.

First Amendment gives you the American citizen the right to freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, right of assembly - like they are doing in St. Louis - right to petition the government. All right.

Five rights. Did you get them? The right to petition. That's a little hard. The others though, the people have no idea. Ahhh!

Bill of Rights? Constitution? I don't know.

What else we got?

We got the mail, I always loved the mail.

Stephe,n Rensselaer Indiana. Thanks for your discussion on national debt. I believe the debt barely mentioned in the presidential campaign will be front and center in the near future. I wish politicians pay attention now rather than waiting for a forced confrontation.

Yeah. The debt isn't sexy. People don't feel that it's urgent, and that's why the politicians ignore it and keep running it up.

Eric, Merced, California, Bill why do you keep saying we can never pay the debt? Why do you continually say that.

Maybe because Eric it's true!!

20 trillion plus, can't pay it, not going to pay it. All right. You and I will be in the ground.

And our children will be in the ground - before they pay that debt.

They'll pay the interest on it, and they'll keep borrowing. And that's the way it is.

George, Cookeville Tennessee - Bill you describe what Jemele Hill said is irresponsible, I disagree, to me calling someone a white supremacist is equal in violence and derogatory nature to calling someone the N-word.

No, I don't think it's as bad. Because remember the African-American minority was persecuted in this country.

Whereas white supremacists were not.

Now, I said Miss Hill was irresponsible because she is working for a company that is marketing sports, and that her tweeting this out, she has to know it's going to hurt the company, which it has - ESPN.

So when you're working for somebody, you have a responsibility to moderate. I don't mind if she says what she said. I think it's ridiculous. It is absurd.

But you'd be surprised how many people agree with Jemele Hill that Trump and his cabinet are all white supremacists.

I'm sure Ben Carson is a little. Shaken by that.

But anyway she has the right to say it but she is hurting her company.

Sandra Estreline Glasgow Kentucky. Totally disagree with you, Bill, concerning DACA and the wall. We've been around this barn before, you of all people who study history knows it repeats itself.

Present lawmakers are not serious about immigration at all. Democratic Party is not. That's true, Sandra, but if you want to get anything done you're going to have to compromise on this. Simple as that. So if you want to get more border security, Kate's Law, other things, you are going to have to you're going to have to compromise on DACA, the dreamers, or it is not going to happen.

Lance Morrisson, Carson City Nevada, the capital of the state.

Bill, it took me 2 minutes to set up your new app on my Apple TV. Now I have 60 inch TV version of your commentary that I was accustomed to for years. [Check out for more detail]

You know you're a genius Lance - you set up the app on Apple TV and now I'm on a full screen.

You're genius. I could never have done that in a million years. I don't even know what Apple TV is - but I bet it's good.

Peter Byrnes, Millersville, Maryland. Bill I'm wrestling with the idea of encouraging my four kids to avoid college and instead pursue a trade as opposed to wasting my money on four years of unmarketable PC indoctrination your thoughts. Depends on the child.

Now if if they are academically oriented, you gotta send him to college, you've got to just pick the right college. There are good schools that don't have this crazy PC campus business, there are. You got to research, you got to go there. You got to figure it out.

But if your kids aren't academics, and they know how tofix high tech stuff, or do something that Americans need - no reason they have to go to college.

I mean I always encourage people to do that in case they want to change, but it's not a 100 percent necessity.

Roy Anderson in Staten Island, New York - I read the chapter of Killing England posted on the website. Very good indeed. Revisiting the challenge in international help from France and Germany at Valley Forge to help build the Continental Army. I have one question though. Can you explain some of the differences between Killing England and the Patriots that we wrote, Legends & Lies: The Patriots. Good question. Legends & lies: The Patriots is straight history. All right, it's an overview of what happened leading up to the revolutionary war. Killing England all right is about Washington, Jefferson, and Franklin - the war through their eyes.

And then profiles of Benedict Arnold, Lafayette, Baron Von Steuben. All of these guys are amazing characters, amazing characters, much more personal book, Killing England: the Brutal Struggle for American Independence. Good question.

Lauren Alloy, in Cheshire Connecticut.

Mr. O., Which one of the children's book do you recommend for a nine year old boy who's not interested in reading but interested in history?

We put these books together so it has huge pictures on every page and I would say The Day the World Went Nuclear, off Killing the Rising Sun, I think your son would be fascinated, if he likes history, by that - because all kids know about the nukes.

Becky Salem, Noblesville, Indiana.

Want to let you know, Bill, we are naming our daughter Reagan, and we decided to do that after reading your book, Killing Reagan.

My husband and I both agreed if we had a daughter she would be named Reagan. This year, we're being blessed, and she will be here in less than 11 weeks.

Well congratulations to you Becky.

Reagan Salem. What a nice name, and I'm glad that my book could be part of it.

Thank you.

Kathleen, Cranston, Rhode Island.

Bill, signed up again as a Premium Member to receive a copy of Killing England. I paid extra to have it signed in a message written to me from you. It's my birthday present to myself.

On the way, Kathleen.

I'm signing a whole bunch of them today and I really appreciate it. Happy birthday to you. That's very very nice.

And I have one more but I don't know what this one is. Love the No Spin News, look forward to it every day, says Claire in Oklahoma City.

Best deal ever to subscribe. Love that you're on Roku. I know what that is, and will be looking forward to using that app.

I'm glad you know, Claire, what Roku is. I thought it was a samurai warrior, but it's not. It's a high tech gizmo where you can see me bigger than on your computer.


[Check out for more detail]

Miller and I in Baltimore this coming Friday at Royal Farms Arena 07:30. Check us out. Show's going to be great, we have a very special surprise for everybody in Baltimore and in Tampa the next day Saturday September 23rd. Amelie arena 5:00pm show, we have surprises in both cities for you. Check it out. You'll love the Spin Stops here tour.

Thanks for being Premium Members.

Check out all the articles we have for you tonight - very important.

See you again.