Election Takeaway: Political Hatred Alive and Growing
November 7, 2018
Interesting election because it’s really a split decision.  Americans protected President Trump by widening the republican margin in the Senate, but rewarded the “resistance” by giving the House to the democrats.
Both sides are claiming victory, of course, but the truth is that political hatred in America is alive and growing.
There are some radical leftists in the House who will seek attention by using their positions to disrupt the government.  I will be watching them closely as chaos hurts the American citizen in many ways.
President Trump now has a hostile House of Representatives joining a hateful media opposing him.  That’s quite a challenge.  But if the President is shrewd in his tactics and if the economy continues to advance, he can become even more powerful.  
Tonight on the No Spin News, I will break it all down for you.  Hope you will take the time to watch.  See you beginning at 7 eastern time.
Posted by Bill O'Reilly at 8:37 AM
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