The scourge of every election is the uninformed voter. As I always say, the U.S. Constitution gives each citizen the absolute right to be a moron. Millions of people exercise that right every single day.
Dumbness is a non-partisan situation. It is not assigned to a particular party or ideology. Dense and lazy cross all boundaries.
The Long Island newspaper Newsday recently quoted a voter named Gene who said this: "I'm voting all Democrat because we don't have a Republican Party anymore." Newsday goes on to say, "Gene believes Trump could start World War III and wants to take away social security."
Wow. Who knew? Social Security gone!
Nukes over Moscow.
Gene is obviously not engaged with reality, and he has lots of friends. In fact, I think there should be a group called "Nitwits Anonymous." Big crew. When you feel a dumb thought coming on, you call someone who urges you to be silent.
On November 5, Gene is likely to vote unless he's diverted by a new skin piercing or something. And Gene's vote will cancel mine. That's the way it works. One person, one vote. Clear thinking not required.
See you this evening for the No Spin News.