The Politics of Abortion
July 9, 2018

This is almost impossible to believe but apparently hard left comedienne Michelle Wolf said these words on her Netflix show: “God bless abortion.”

Think about that for a moment.  An act that destroys a potential human being is celebrated in a callous, sacrilegious way.  Nero would have loved it.  

Abortion is a major controversy again because of President Trump’s pending Supreme Court nomination.  Far left loons are hysterical that Roe v. Wade may be overturned if a traditional jurist becomes a SC justice.  Never mind that is not going to happen because the Supreme Court does not make laws, the radical left needs some rally propaganda and abortion is it.

Unless you’re a fan of The Third Reich, abortion is a procedure that should not bring forth joy.  Very few American doctors will even perform the operation because unlike most medical options, abortion is about destruction not healing.

People who say they “know” when life begins are delusional.  You can hold a belief - you do not know.  What we do know is human DNA is present at conception.

In far left precincts, life has become very casual as the disciples of secularism worship at the altar of “reproductive rights.”  If you oppose abortion you become an oppressor not a protector, in their eyes.  And like the unwanted fetus, you must be destroyed.

In some cases, abortion is necessary to protect the mother from death or a health catastrophe.  In many cases, abortion is a convenience - even an extreme form of birth control.

Tonight on the No Spin News beginning at 7, we’ll analyze the politics of abortion and how it is affecting America. As always, we hope you are a Premium Member so you can see us.

Thanks for visiting today.

Posted by Bill O'Reilly at 9:15 AM
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