Big Corporations Enabling Hate Toward the President
December 6, 2018

The trashing of Donald Trump began shortly after President Bush’s funeral ended in Washington yesterday afternoon. It was the usual suspects, far-left New York Times writers and never-Trumpers like George Will.

The platforms were provided by MSNBC and CNN, as always. What the haters said is not important. The fact that they used a solemn occasion to trash a sitting President is.

Corporations like Disney and Time Warner are allowing the lowest kind of political discourse to take place on their media vehicles. The View, for example, is nothing more than a daily hate fest. It is no longer an entertainment program, it is simply 60 minutes of liberal vitriol.

The question is - will the American public hold Disney responsible for The View and ABC’s late night poison? To be clear, there is nothing wrong with Trump disapproval, Americans certainly have that right. But trying to destroy the person elected to the presidency is unpatriotic and unbecoming. Especially moments after a moving funeral service for a great man like George H. W. Bush. He would not have approved.

I very much appreciate your visit to the website today, and hope you watch the No Spin News tonight beginning at 7 eastern. Plenty of tough analysis. No hate.

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Posted by Bill O'Reilly at 8:46 AM
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