Bill O'Reilly
December 19, 2016
Phony Stories and Fake News

You may have noticed that The Factor has not covered anything about the Electoral College vote because it's a completely phony story. 

Donald Trump will be the next president, and it doesn't matter if one or two electoral delegates defect.

The left-wing press is blowing the story up because they want to make Donald Trump look bad, not because there's any basis in reality.

If there were to be chaos in the Electoral College, the House of Representatives would simply certify Donald Trump as president on January 6th. 

So again, this is a phony story and all of those so-called journalists who participated in it are misleading you.

Now on to Russian hacking.

This is a real story and we spotlighted it back on October 12th.

Talking Points, Oct. 12

O'REILLY“Talking Points believes that if the intel is correct and Russian hackers working for Putin did indeed intrude on the American election, President Obama must take action.  First he must speak to the American people about the evidence, and second he must apply sanctions against the Putin government.  These cyber-attacks are just that, attacks, so let's get on it, Mr. President.”

But President Obama did not get on it, did not debrief the American people, did not do anything as far as we can tell  

Also, when I made that statement in October, no Democrats said, “Yes, that's correct.  President Obama should confront the Russians with something more than words.” 

But now they're whining all over the place.

As for the president, he says he took action but obviously according to his own people that action did absolutely nothing.

ABC This Week, yesterday

MARTHA RADDATZ“President Obama also said Friday that the cyber attacks stopped after he warned Putin at an international conference in September.  You've been briefed on the party's computer system.  Is that right?  They stopped?”

DONNA BRAZILE, DNC INTERIM CHAIR“No, they did not stop.  They - they came after us absolutely every day until the end of the election.  They tried to hack into our system repeatedly." 

Ms. Brazile by the way was greatly embarrassed because some of the hacked emails showed her dishonestly feeding questions to Hillary Clinton before CNN appearances.

Ms. Brazile says she's did nothing wrong, but again, those emails were very troubling for her and for CNN.

Now the bigger picture.

We are living in a very dangerous world.

Just today in Turkey the Russian Ambassador was shot dead by a man screaming that Allah is great and railing about the situation in Syria.

In Berlin, Germany, a man driving a truck ran over scores of people at a Christmas market.  You can bet this is another act of terrorism.  As the body count piles up, the action specifically intended to bring harm in the Christmas season.  We'll have more details shortly.

Now the president of the United States is not responsible for terrorist acts but is to be held accountable for actions of reprisal.

Again, talking tough is clearly not a strategy and doing nothing to the bad guys empowers them.

It is clear that Hillary Clinton and the Democrat Party did not really believe that the Russian hackers would derail their presidential chances, so no pressure was put on President Obama to stop the madness when it was uncovered.

But now it's a different story.

Clinton speaking to donors Thursday night in Manhattan (the NY Times obtained the audio)

HILLARY CLINTON“We have to recognize that as the latest reports made clear, Vladimir Putin himself directed the covert cyber-attacks against our electoral system, against our democracy, apparently because he has a personal beef against me.” 

It seems to me that Putin’s alleged favoring of Trump may be a large mistake.

By putting some very tough generals in charge of the Defense Department and national security, a message is being sent to Putin and the world not to mess with the USA.

It is clear the Russian leader and other tyrants ran wild and the Obama administration did not or could not stop them.

I guess it's possible that Putin just dislikes Hillary Clinton and believes that he can manipulate Donald Trump.

But that's speculation right now.  The American public really doesn't know what the blank happened because the Obama administration is not telling us.

So now Congress is getting involved.

CNN State of the Union, yesterday

SEN. JOHN MCCAIN“We need to get to the bottom of this.  We need to find out exactly what was done and what the implications of the attacks were, especially if they had an effect on our election.  There's no doubt they were interfering and no doubt that it was cyber-attacks.”

Talking Points believes that Senator McCain is in a good position to gather facts and tell the folks what exactly happened and how it pertains to the presidential vote.

And we hope Mr. McCain will do that.

As for Donald Trump, he should stay out of it until he gets into office and begins being briefed by the people he has appointed to intelligence positions.

The Obama folks are not going to level with Donald Trump.

Last week we suggested to the president-elect that he not participate in speculation about the Russian hacking.

Again, it makes no sense.  It happened on Barack Obama's watch -- let him deal with it.

Talking Points believes that the Russian government was involved in embarrassing the Democratic Party.

I don't know why; that's the job of the CIA to find that out.

Talking Points does not believe the hacking caused Hillary Clinton's defeat.

That is a phony line of reportage.

The American people do not care very much about what John Podesta said or what Donna Brazile did.  These are secondary issues.

But the left is desperately searching for some reason to explain why Secretary Clinton and the Democratic Party lost so badly.

Yes, I know the popular vote went to Mrs. Clinton, but it was all California and every fair-minded person knows that.

Take that progressive state out of the mix and it was a decisive win for trump in almost every other way.

Summing up, the left-wing media has an agenda that Trump did not win the election fairly.

The Democratic Party has an agenda that the Russians threw the election to Donald Trump.

Neither of those things are true.

And that's the memo

Posted by Bill O'Reilly