Bill O'Reilly
August 21, 2019
Biden Showing His Age
Yesterday in Iowa, Joe Biden apparently told a crowd that Robert Kennedy and Martin Luther King, Jr. were both assassinated in the 1970’s.  Not good, as the men were separately murdered in 1968.
Not a big mistake but one of many, leading both Biden supporters and detractors to wonder about his mental acumen.
The former Vice President is 76 years old and plays his age.  He may have updated teeth, but the guy is slowing down, no question about it.
His might be competition, Donald Trump, is three years younger at 73 but does not come across as ancient.  Two weeks ago, I watched the President give a 40 minute speech off the top of his head - ad lib - something the average 30 year old would have trouble doing.
Joe Biden remains the democratic front runner but doubts about his intellect could sink him quickly.  The “Biden Watch” has begun.  Every misstatement will be amplified and counted.  In the face of that, Biden must convince voters he is not declining mentally.
Based on his record so far in this campaign, that will not be easy.
See you tonight for the No Spin News.  Also, please check out my daily syndicated radio program “The O’Reilly Update,” posted on the site daily.
Posted by Bill O'Reilly