Bill began by reminding everyone that he'll be appearing on Sean Hannity's show tonight on Fox News at 9:00 PM Eastern. He then moved to the ongoing dustup about NFL players taking a knee during the National Anthem.
"These are athletes insulting the flag and the anthem," Bill declared. "Colin Kaepernick really believes that the United States is a flawed country, that police are hunting down black males. But what does he know to back that up? I'll submit that he doesn't know much."
Bill urged athletes to fully educate themselves before protesting: "If you're going to go out and put on a public display of disdain, you really need to know what the facts are. If I were to give a quiz to the dissenting NFL players, do you believe they would pass a history test? In England we had football players from the Baltimore Ravens and Jacksonville Jaguars kneeling down in a foreign country and insulting their flag. But they stood for 'God Save the Queen!' If you're in Kandahar, Afghanistan, can you imagine how you'd feel seeing that? It's just not right."
Last night, the Dallas Cowboys tried to find a compromise when they played on Monday Night Football. The entire team, including owner Jerry Jones, knelt prior to the National Anthem, then stood for the song itself. "Jerry Jones said they wanted to stand and respect the flag," Bill explained, "and he said he wanted to demonstrate that unity and equality are important. Most Americans want equality, it's a good thing. But is there inequality in America and Finland and Bangladesh and every other country on the face of the earth? Yes. Isn't all this a little dopey? What Jerry Jones was really trying to do was keep his team together."
Bill welcomed radio host Bernard McGuirk, who was shocked by the fact that almost every single television pundit had exactly the same view of the NFL situation. "The mob includes the animals on Twitter," McGuirk said, "the cable news shows, the unfunny late-night clowns, and even the morning shows. They all march in lockstep and they are all ready to ridicule any public figure who shows any affinity towards the president. On Sunday all these football analysts caved to the mob and all of them said exact same thing, that Trump was wrong and out of line. No one defended him and said they didn't think these guys should take a knee." Bill pointed out, "They couldn't do that because it would ruin their social lives and the media mob is a real intimidator is these days."
After McGuirk left, Bill quoted from a bizarre and impenetrable piece in Newsweek, in which someone named Emily Gaudette wrote this about Megyn Kelly's new morning show on NBC: "The central problem with Kelly's new brand is not that she's creating an apolitical 'safe space' for viewers of any background. It's that removing herself from any political discussion is a privilege available almost exclusively to white women, and she hasn’t recognized that fact."
Translated into standard English, the writer is castigating Megyn for being a heterosexual white female who is trying to avoid politics on her new show. "This is an across-the-board condemnation," Bill said, "of anyone who won't condemn Trump, especially if you're a white woman. I never thought the country would get to the place where it's at now."
Bill then reiterated that "repeal and replace" is dead and gone, at least for now, and that President Trump's tax reform initiative is about to get the president's full attention. "President Trump is going to have problems with Senators Susan Collins and John McCain," Bill predicted, "although I think Rand Paul will go along with the tax cuts. The president does not have control of the Republican apparatus in the Senate."
Before moving to the mail, Bill groused about a new poll that demonstrates our woeful knowledge of civics. Only 25% of Americans were able to name all three branches of government as defined by the Constitution. They are, of course, the executive, legislative, and judicial branches.
In their emails, Premium Members once again almost uniformly complained about protesting NFL players, with some saying their football-watching days are over. On a related topic, Bill took issue with one PM who said no one in America is oppressed. "If you are a poor baby born into a family of chaos," he said, "you are oppressed because you don't even have the proper resources to be a kid. But there is nothing any government on earth can do to stop that, the best thing we can do is make it rarer with good policies."
Don't forget to watch Bill tonight when he returns to the Fox News Channel for the first time since April. He'll be on Sean Hannity's program at 9:00 PM Eastern, where they'll talk about the NFL protests, media smear merchants, and the pervasive atmosphere of fear engendered by the political correctness movement. See you tomorrow for another edition of the No Spin News. |