Bill O'Reilly
August 21, 2018
The Plea Bargain of Michael Cohen

The plea bargain of Michael Cohen and conviction of Paul Manafort spells bad news for President Trump and for Americans in general but for different reasons.

As we predicted on The No Spin News, the hate-Trump media ran wild with the Cohen plea where the lawyer said he paid women to keep quiet about affairs at Mr. Trump’s direction. Of course no one knows whether that is true or not as Michael Cohen is seeking a lesser prison sentence in return for allegations against Mr. Trump.

Two things worth noting here: first campaign donations would have to be the ordered payment in order for the President to have any legal deficit.

And second, CBS News is reporting that Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller will not involve Cohen in his Russian investigation because Mueller believes he is “unreliable.”

Nevertheless, the legal problems of two men who were once close to Mr. Trump raises questions about the President’s judgment - although we do live in an age of betrayal.

The downside for the American people is the continuing chaos at the federal level. This distracts the President and is wearing on some voters. No question about that.

Wednesday on the No Spin News we’ll advance the Cohen story with inside information. We set up the situation on Tuesday and are on this unfolding story. This is an important time to stay with us.

Posted by Bill O'Reilly