Bill O'Reilly
June 26, 2018
The Growing Political Divide in the U.S.

It is clear to me that we are approaching violence between political factions in America.  It is a matter of when, not if, someone is physically attacked and gets hurt or worse.

Already behavior and rhetoric is way beyond acceptable limits.  Congresswoman Maxine Waters is openly calling for reprisals against Trump supporters. This kind of incitement by a member of Congress is unacceptable and she should be censured.

For his part, President Trump continues to belittle his media detractors even as his job approval rating is on the rise.  Mr. Trump apparently believes his aggressive tweeting and speaking posture creates excitement among his followers who despise the elites who oppose him.

But, at this point, it would be wise for the President to pull back and allow his enemies to overdo their hatred of  people who voted for him.  Mr. Trump doesn’t have to become a wallflower but the nation is badly in need of a steady hand right now. Demeaning the late night guys and other critics really doesn’t accomplish much.  In some cases presidential attacks actually help them.

Tonight we’ll analyze the growing political divide in the USA and flag the danger zones.  We hope you watch the No Spin News beginning at 7 eastern.  It will be worth your while.

Thanks for checking in with us today.

Posted by Bill O'Reilly