What Will Help President Trump's Re-Election?
February 19, 2019
From my vantage point, I think the country is split about evenly on President Trump.   But if he is re-elected, two things will help him.
First, the incredible hatred he is experiencing from the press and the Washington establishment.  Honest people know an unfair situation when they see it.  We’ve posted Victor Davis Hanson’s latest column on the amazing corruption Trump has had to deal with.   Add that to the loathing and dishonesty of the press, and you have an absurd situation.
Just yesterday, the CNN media “analyst” said the national press was covering the Jussie Smollett story responsibly, a flagrant lie.  Fake news doesn’t even begin to cover it.
The second thing that will help Trump is his democrat opposition.  Senator Bernie Sanders got into the race today with the elderly socialist saying the same thing he always says: the government should provide everything.
Americans don’t want socialism, or the Green New Deal, or PC madness, at least most of them don’t.  So even if some voters are not thrilled about the President, the choice is stark.
We’ll have two honest investigations on the No Spin News tonight - one on the border wall, the other on why the democrats have moved so far left.
See you beginning at 7 this evening.
Posted by Bill O'Reilly at 5:59 AM
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