Bill O'Reilly
February 21, 2019
Candidate Campaign Slogan Suggestions
So, I propose that each candidate come up with a campaign slogan in order to stand out.
Here are my suggestions, with all due respect, of course.
Senator Elizabeth Warren:  “I’m not an Indian, but it was fun while it lasted.”
Senator Bernie Sanders: “Yes, I’m old but so’s Biden.”
Senator Kamala Harris: “Sure I smoke pot.  You would too if you lived in San Francisco.”
Senator Corey Booker: “Vegan Power!  Burgers kill.”
Senator Kirsten Gillibrand: “Don’t hate me for being Caucasian.”
Beto O’Rourke:  “I’ll let everyone come to America, then we can party.”
Joe Biden: “If elected I’ll be 80, so I may have to go to bed early.”
Mike Bloomberg: “Global warming is real but hands off my Gulfstream.”
Senator Amy Klobouchar:  “I’m not a socialist like the others but don’t tell anybody.”
Michelle Obama:  “I can’t run because Barack will smoke if I leave the house.”
And, to be fair, President Trump: “Elect me again and I’ll stop tweeting.  Do we have a deal?”
Now, I understand some of those slogans are not bumper-sticker friendly. But they do drive home important points.  
No need to thank me.
Posted by Bill O'Reilly