Bill & Beck on the Week That Was
May 26, 2017

Once again bringing new meaning to TGIF, Bill joined Glenn Beck on The Blaze Radio for another live Friday morning discussion. 

[Catch Bill on The Blaze Radio program at 10a each Friday – or check shortly after to take a listen.]

This week, the duo discussed Monday's horrible terrorist attack in England.  

Lamenting the fact that these Islamic-inspired attacks have become way too common in Europe, Bill urged NATO to go after ISIS with guns a'blazing:  

“This is more of the same and I have asked the same question for years,” Bill said.  

“Why is ISIS allowed to have a stronghold in the Syrian town of Raqqa?  Why doesn't the world come together and say we are going to obliterate these people by force?  I don't understand why ISIS has been able to sit there.  NATO says they are united, but where is the declaration of war?”

Beck brought up President Obama, who has been defending his policies in Syria.  But Bill was having none of it: 

“The Obama administration was caught in a policy of retreat that simply made terrorism worse.  He didn't want to confront foreign terrorists on their own soil, so he withdrew.  ISIS popped up in Iraq and gained strength there and in Syria and Afghanistan.” 

Beck and Bill also hashed out President Trump's proposed temporary ban on travel from a handful of chaotic Islamic nations, which has been rejected by various federal courts.  

“This is not a partisan issue for me,” Bill declared.  

“If the president wants to ban travel from countries that can't vet people getting on airplanes, that seems to be a logical thing.  But the left has made it into an anti-Muslim screed and judges have upheld that screed.  The president should take it to the Supreme Court, where he will win.  It won't make a big difference, but it's a symbolic thing, and it's logical.” 

Playing his familiar role as provocateur, Beck brought up the current chaos at Fox News, which has been hemorrhaging viewers and advertising dollars in recent weeks.

The long-unchallenged cable front-runner is actually third behind MSNBC and CNN on some nights.  Bill pointed out that FNC did very well on Monday by focusing on the Manchester terror attack while the other two cablers were re-hashing Russian collusion stories.  

He also put forth this analysis of his former employer:  

“If you're going to make changes you have to have a plan and I'm not sure the Fox News poohbahs have a plan.  But there's a lot of talent there.” 

Beck added that far-left outfits like Media Matters now have Sean Hannity in their crosshairs. 

“This is a very methodical and effective campaign of media terror,” Bill asserted, “and these people threaten sponsors.  The key is whether broadcast companies will stand up to this.  If Fox News wants to keep any semblance of what they are, they are going to have to fight these people.” 

Bill ended the subject with a vow:  “We're going to expose this in another few weeks and we will have amazing information about how well funded this effort is.” 

Meanwhile, the media's ongoing war against Donald Trump recently took a strange turn when CNN's Anderson Cooper berated a Trump supporter, saying he would defend Trump even if the president 'took a dump' on his desk.  

“That was a crude remark by Anderson Cooper,” Bill opined, “and I was surprised because he doesn't usually traffic in that stuff.  But he doesn't like Trump, the entire CNN crew doesn't like Trump, and if you do like Trump, you can't function there.  I've been critical of President Trump and I have confronted him because my job is to try to get to the truth of whatever is happening.  But many in the mainstream media are not looking for the truth.  Their goal is not to report honestly, their goal is to get this man out of office!” 

Ending with some levity, Bill turned to the NATO summit, where President Trump was caught on camera giving a gentle shove to the prime minister of Montenegro in order to get to the front row during a photo shoot. 

Bill explained it all by revealing a little-known aspect of Montenegrin culture:  

“As a sign of tradition and respect in Montenegro, you shove the president!”  He also took a shot at the Trump-haters, joking, “What I read on the progressive websites is that Trump kicked the man in the groin.”

Glenn Beck reminded his listeners and viewers that Bill's podcasts will be freely available to everyone, not just Premium Members, over the Memorial Day weekend.  Beck complained because, with that knowledge in hand, he will now be forced to sit in his house all weekend and listen to Bill O'Reilly podcasts.  The beach, volleyball, and burgers, will just have to wait.

Posted by Staff at 2:28 PM
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Bill & Beck on the Week That Was
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