Bill O'Reilly
July 18, 2018
OPEN TO ALL: Bill Opines from Ireland on the Media's "Overboard" Reaction to the Trump/Putin Summit

Welcome Premium Members to today’s No Spin News. Bill is in Ireland so this is an audio only podcast. Today, Bill visited Sligo, which is a town in the northwest part of Ireland and famous for Lord Mountbatten being assassinated by the IRA in 1973. 

But of course, the big story in America is Donald Trump and the fallout from his Russia situation. Now, you should know that here in Ireland, nobody cares. It does make the papers, but the reporting is shallow and doesn't really advance the story. People don't talk about it very much. There is an overall arc of liberal media here in Ireland. People feel that Trump is not looking out for them because the Irish Republic has gone sharply left and I'll talk a little bit about that tomorrow, much higher taxes, more of a socialistic profile. But as far as Donald Trump is concerned there's no doubt he's taken a huge hit by the Putin meeting. 

Trump needs to show that he is capable of understanding that every time he goes outside the facts he gets hammered. And the facts are that Vladimir Putin knew about the Russian intrusion into our 2016 election and members of his intelligence agency hacked into the democratic structure to try to get dirt on Hillary Clinton. 

The reason that Trump is so angry about the Russian collusion investigation and is so emotionally distraught about the left saying that the election was illegitimate is because the Russian intrusion has not really registered with him on an emotional level. What makes him furious is people saying he was not elected legitimately, which Bill believes to be true. Even though the Russians might have done hacking it really didn't affect the outcome of the vote. Now, that's 100 percent where Donald Trump is, the outcome of the vote was not affected by anything Russia did. And that his primary emotional state. So when you say to him, well what about Putin and what about the intrusion? It doesn't really rise in his mind and that's why he's getting himself in all kinds of trouble. 

Now, Bill has always said that Putin is a bad, bad guy and he had no doubt that he intruded in the election and no doubt that he lied in Helsinki and no doubt that he won the whole thing. It seems as though Putin is dancing in the streets in Moscow because he disrupted the whole American system. 

Now, Donald Trump is not going to do anything directly to Vladimir Putin at this point because he wants Putin to cooperate with America on a variety of different things. North Korea nukes, Syria, Middle East so he's not going to throw Putin under the bus. 

However, as always, the media goes overboard and distorts facts and lies making it seem like Trump didn't handle Putin well in Helsinki. Bill is still a Trump supporter and he says that he doesn’t think Donald Trump lost one vote by going to Helsinki. Trump supporters despise the media so much that unless it's really, really an atrocity or some scandal Mueller comes out with directly tying Trump in, which everybody doubts including me, that the Trump voters are just going to say OK we didn't like it, he should have been tougher with Putin but are we going to, are we going to walk away from President Trump? No. Because that gives the media a victory. It's really the media versus Trump in 2020, that's what it is. Doesn't matter who the Democrats nominate, it is the media versus Trump. 

Moving on, Bill’s Irish trip has really been great, he’s been lucky to have great weather today and pictures will be posted on the Website and Instagram. Tomorrow, Bill is headed to County Cavan where his ancestors were evicted from their land and he will tell you that story and how it all went down. And then we go to Dublin on Friday and Saturday. If you haven't visited Ireland, that's a bucket list play, you want to put that on your list.

Posted by Bill O'Reilly