Bill O'Reilly
November 3, 2015
Is the USA in Good Shape or Going Down the Drain?

The big reason Donald Trump and Ben Carson are polling well is that many Republicans not only want an effective leader, they also want someone to dismantle the policies of President Obama.

They want an avenger, not just a politician to be elected president.

Thus, we have two outsiders leading the latest political polling.

According to NBC News and the Wall Street Journal, Carson's support now stands at 29%.

Trump, 23%.

Rubio, 11%.

Ted Cruz, 10%.

Jeb Bush, 8%.

The rest of the candidates are at three percent or below, so we can expect some of them to drop out soon.

Now Trump and Carson both believe America is in serious trouble, but Jeb Bush sees it a bit differently.

While the governor does recognize the economy is soft and there is chaos overseas, he believes America is close to turning it around.

JEB BUSH, FMR. FLORIDA GOVERNOR (R): "They say our best days are behind us.  Look, I acknowledge the difficulties and challenges we face.  But I reject this kind of thinking (EDIT) I believe America's best days are not behind us, but squarely in front of us, if we elect the right leadership."

Talking Points believes that America's potential is enormous.

However, there are many serious problems that our impotent Congress simply refuses to deal with.

Three examples after all these years: the southern border with Mexico is still not secure.

That's a scandal and has led to many social and economic problems, not to mention security difficulties.

Problem number two: the economy.  The Obama administration has run up staggering debt, which will soon hit $20 trillion.

In fact, Mr. Obama will add nearly as much debt as all of the American presidents combined by the time he leaves office, an astounding legacy that will damage the nation big time down the road.

And all of the trillions spent on social justice and instituting a nanny state has led to even more poverty.

Problem number three: the jihad threat overseas.  It is beyond any doubt that ISIS has grown in power and that American policies have failed in the Middle East and Afghanistan.

The new nuke deal with Iran could be one of the worst foreign policy blunders of all time, but that is speculation at this point.  But like the debt trouble, down the road is almost guaranteed.

So whomever the new president is will have to deal with huge problems.

The American leader will have to get tough with ISIS, the other jihadists and Putin and will have to solve problems like the southern border and immigration in general.

If the new president can accomplish those things, and that's a huge "if," America's potential might be unleashed.

But it will take a strong, tough, leader to do that, especially with an inept Congress.

And that's the memo.

Posted by Bill O'Reilly