Why Mueller Treated Trump so Unfairly
May 29, 2019
On the Mueller thing this is what is sticking in my mind.  The man was unfair to a fellow American who just happens to be President.

Very unfair.

Here’s what I believe happened based upon observation and personal knowledge.  The Trump campaign was pleased that Internet trolls were trying to hurt Hillary Clinton’s campaign.  Donald Trump was vaguely aware of anti-Hillary stuff but it was just another campaign occurrence, nothing more.  Gossip if you will.

After he won the election, Mr. Trump was stunned that the “Russian-Collusion”story dominated the TV media.  That surprise quickly turned to anger and he sought reassurance of his innocence from Attorney General Sessions and FBI Chief Comey.  Neither man stepped up to support the new president as he wished.

Both Sessions and Comey then lost credibility with Donald Trump.

As the media frenzy grew, so did Trump’s frustration and he very likely vented to some on his White House staff that the investigation should end.

But the President did not actually do anything other then to fire Comey, who was doing a variety of dubious things as the world will soon see.

Robert Mueller heard stories about the venting but well knows that is not a crime.  In the end, Mueller had no solid evidence of obstruction therefore he should have simply said that loud and clear.  Instead, he suggested that President Trump might be guilty of something and Congress might want to find out what.  

Prosecutors like Mueller rarely do that because it obliterates the evidence factor.  No evidence, no crime.  That’s our system

Robert Mueller treated Donald Trump unfairly to “off load” liberal media criticism of himself.  Not exactly a profile in courage.

If you can’t prove it, drop it.  For the good of the country.

Tonight on the No Spin News, we’ll play you five irresponsible sound bites from pundits analyzing the Mueller situation.

See you at 7.
Posted by Bill O'Reilly at 11:03 PM
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