Bill O'Reilly
August 14, 2018
Omarosa Manigault's Claims Against the Trump Administration

We are living in an age of betrayal where loyalty is a virtue of the past. By all accounts, Donald Trump was responsible for the success of a woman named Omarosa who prospered on Trump’s reality show and then was given a job at the White House.

After being let go from that job, the woman decided to get revenge and is now trying to sell a hit book about the President.

The media, of course, loves this and is giving Omarosa plenty of publicity. But the reality is that few care about what Omarosa says and her accusations will disappear quickly. Thus, the White House should ignore the situation going forward.

You may have noticed that President Trump has left the White House for two weeks as we suggested. That has tamped down the relentless media attacks on Mr. Trump, at least a little.

Of course, the President continues to tweet provocative things so all is not quiet on the western front.

With three weeks remaining in the summer, I expect things will be somewhat calm until Judge Kavanaugh’s hearings begin after Labor Day. Then you will see a ferocious assault on the nominated Supreme Court Justice and the President by the national press. It will be bloody.

Hope you are having a nice summer and are checking out the No Spin newscast each day. It is well worth your time.

Posted by Bill O'Reilly