Bill O'Reilly
December 11, 2023
Haley's Advantage

A new poll from the Wall Street Journal says if Nikki Haley wins the Republican nomination, she would beat President Biden by 14 points. Donald Trump is four ahead, and Ron DeSantis ties Mr. Biden.

The poll is simply a snapshot but demonstrates a few important things. Because Ambassador Haley is not controversial, she polls well among non-political Americans who reject Mr. Trump's demeanor and don't really care how he governs.

But committed Republicans continue to overwhelmingly back the former president because they perceive Ms. Haley as an establishment politician who will not aggressively challenge the ingrained liberal system in Washington.

There are far more casual voters in this country than engaged Americans. If you add up all the folks who watch television news, it is a small segment of the population. On cable news in prime time, you're paid millions if you can get just two million viewers to watch you.

Chances are Ambassador Haley will not get the nomination, and since Trump does not like her, she will not run as his second.

But Ms. Haley would absolutely trounce Joe Biden next November. And both Biden and Trump should figure out why.

See you this evening for the No Spin News.

Posted by Bill O'Reilly