Saving America
July 1, 2023

July 4th weekend.  Americans celebrating their freedom which is eroding at a steady pace.  Some of us don't really care about that because it's complicated and requires an understanding of what the United States was, and what it is turning into.

Thinking about freedom takes away from mindless activities that beckon you from the always present cell phone. Escaping reality is the new national pastime. Thank you, Apple.

So, let's begin. You are not a free individual if someone is controlling you. Could be a terrible boss, an insecure spouse, the monthly bill come due. Or it could be the government.

The Supreme Court last week dealt the progressive movement and its front man Joe Biden two harsh blows.

First, skin color cannot be used to provide or deny opportunity in this country.  And second, the reckless spending Biden does not have a constitutional right to forgive personal debt, student loans or otherwise.   

Both rulings are correct if the Constitution is to be followed.  But the three progressive Justices, Kagan, Sotomayor, and Brown, dissented because the Constitution is anything they want it to be, not the actual words James Madison wrote down, and what was affirmed by the original 13 states.

Remember, most far-left people believe evil white men basically entrapped the citizens of a new nation into a life celebrating white, male privilege.

And today it is the mission of the progressive left to destroy that.

Therefore, the left posits, traditional tenets of equal opportunity for all are obsolete because minorities continue to be persecuted by whites and need giant payback in the form of preference or even cash payments.  That's called "equity," a core policy of President Biden.

The man does not care if taxpayers foot the bill for other people's loan forgiveness, or if a qualified Caucasian or Asian is denied a college admission on the basis of skin color.  To Biden and his followers that's "justice."

This is really all about socialism which requires a powerful central government that makes all decisions on who gets what. Competition is evil because the free marketplace is not free at all - it is stacked against minorities. The leftist media repeats that over and over. 

Therefore, a select few on the far left should be empowered to make all societal and economic decisions in the name of diversity, inclusion and, of course, justice.

Thank God the majority on the Supreme Court understands and rejects this craven assault on true freedom.

And that is something worth celebrating this Fourth of July.

See for the No Spin News on Wednesday.

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Posted by Bill O'Reilly at 7:22 AM
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