The Diversity Trap
August 8, 2019
A Yale professor named Anthony Kronman, who was once the Law School Dean, wrote an article in The Wall Street Journal saying the pro-diversity hysteria on many college campuses is ruining education and will eventually hurt American democracy.
Professor Kronman is essentially objecting to the group think imposed on students by a strident leftwing ideological agenda.  For example, if a black student supports the police, he or she might well be scorned by other blacks even if they have fact-based arguments.  College students are expected to think a certain way and God help you if you deviate from that.  
Kronman is a liberal man but a person who admires the search for truth and believes in rational conclusions.  He is appalled that at Yale and other institutions, truth is not admired anymore.  Today, it’s all about “social justice” even if facts don’t support actions.  
The professor puts the blame on cowardly college administrators and faculty but this is where his own search for the truth comes up short.
The reason that so many young Americans are failing to develop intellectual curiosity and a respect for opposing points of view is social media.
On this platform, the most vicious tweet or post usually gets the most attention and, often, the most adulation.  Kids learn early that if you defy politically correct thought, or liberal orthodoxy, you will be harshly punished in cyberspace.
Thus, millions of bright young Americans are thoroughly intimidated even before they set foot on campus.
This happened during the Vietnam War.  If you supported that conflict, you were ostracized at many colleges.  It was massive group think for non-thinkers.  There were many facets to Vietnam but only one that was socially acceptable on campus: America was the villain.
The United States got beyond Vietnam but I’m not sure the country will ever through off the “diversity” challenge.  There’s a lot of hate out there for people who don’t buy into the politically correct lifestyle.
Tonight, we will further discuss the diversity trap.  Also, I will analyze the TV clash between Sean Hannity and Bill DeBlasio on the No Spin News.  See you beginning at 7 eastern.
Posted by Bill O'Reilly at 4:12 AM
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