The Handshake
June 14, 2024

The left-wing press, nearly all of it in the USA, is having a grand time mocking Senator Mitch McConnell for shaking Donald Trump's hand on Capitol Hill Thursday.

McConnell, you may remember, castigated then-President Trump after the January 6 debacle.  Trump, in turn, said harsh things about the Senator and his wife, former Labor and Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao.

Now, I am not a fan of Mitch McConnell. He killed "Kate's Law," which would have saved thousands of Americans from harm. He did that single-handedly by refusing to put the proposed legislation up for a stand-alone vote. That law, essentially designed by me, would have codified mandatory prison sentences for migrants who return to the United States after being deported.

McConnell killed it because he didn't want a punk like me telling him what to do.

However, I understand the handshake with Trump.  The Republican Party MUST coalesce around the nominee or Biden and the Democrats will get four more years of power.  That would be a situation from which the country might never recover.  That's how bad President Biden is.

So, McConnell is putting the good of his country above his personal feelings. Applause.  I just wish he had done that in the wake of Kate Steinle's murder.

Happy Father's Day to all the good dads.

Posted by Bill O'Reilly at 8:23 AM
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