Bill O'Reilly
January 2, 2019
The Two Major Unsolved Problems Entering 2019

The year 2019 opens with two major unresolved problems: an isolated President and a generally dishonest national media.

The President first. Donald Trump finds himself once again reorganizing his administration with a new chief-of-staff, a new attorney general and a new secretary of defense. His republican allies in Congress are tentative about him with a few exceptions, and the stock market is a major concern. The government shutdown will end but things are not running smoothly right now at The White House.

The “hate Trump” press, which is most of it, knows blood has been drawn and can be counted on to keep up the “smear du jour” with the intent of getting Trump deposed. There is no seeking the truth involved here. Corporate decisions have been made: Trump has to go.

If you look at all the phony political stories in 2018 you know the situation is dire. The press used footage taken during the Obama administration of migrant children being terrorized and said it happened on Trump’s watch. A CNN analyst said there were 18 deliberate gun attacks at American schools when there were two in the time frame cited. The press misrepresented the President’s trip to Iraq, failed to accurately report on the Steele dossier, and trumped up a false report on U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley’s spending. That’s just a partial list.

And who was held accountable for the bogus reportage? Simon Nobody, that’s who.

So we can expect more deliberate dishonest reporting and a continuing rough ride for President Trump in 2019. Very bad for the country.

Tonight on the No Spin News, I will lay out the political situation in greater detail. As always, my opinion will be based on facts. Important broadcast beginning at 7 eastern time.

Happy New Year.

Posted by Bill O'Reilly