O'Reilly on Hannity: Attorney General Barr Testifies on Mueller Report; Democrats Main Running Point for 2020
May 1, 2019

Every Wednesday, Bill O’Reilly joins Sean Hannity to cover the biggest news of the week. On this week’s interview, O’Reilly and Hannity give an in depth analysis and reaction to Attorney General William Barr’s testimony before the House Judiciary Committee. 


Attorney General William Barr concluded his first face to face testimony since the release of Robert Mueller’s report on Russian interference into the 2020 election but not without extreme attacks from the Democratic lawmakers. 


The bigger story here is the fact that on the Democratic side, there is a major push to keep the Russian collusion narrative in the news and in Americans minds. That is why this is being made such a big deal. 


While Democrats try to put all of the attention on the Mueller report and Russian collusion, the rest of the country is looking to 2020.


Former Vice President Joe Biden has entered the race and is a clear front runner. O’Reilly and Hannity describe how each of them see Joe Biden running his campaign against his progressive opponents, like Bernie Sanders. Will Joe Biden conform to the progressive far left ideals or will he stick to his moderate platform?


Bill predicts, “Biden will go along with the progressive talking point and then he will move to the center once he has the nomination locked.”


Joe Biden’s only competition will be Donald Trump. As Bill points out, “love and hate motivates voters. That is how Obama got in—Obama we love him, go vote for him. Now in this election it will be, Trump, we hate him, go out and vote against him.” That is what the Democrats are going to run on.


The two conclude with an open ended question, how does this fight to get President Trump out of office end?


Posted by BOR.com Staff at 12:00 AM
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O'Reilly on Hannity: Attorney General Barr Testifies on Mueller Report; Democrats Main Running Point for 2020
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