Last week after another horrendous mass shooting by a psychopath in Colorado (quickly followed by the carnage in Virginia),
I cut through all the gun-control noise and defined the real problem: evil.
I did this on my fact-based TV newscast, "The No Spin News," and my analysis garnered significant reaction. Viewers wanted me to further define the concept of evil which is rarely discussed in this country anymore.
That's because the struggle between good and evil is biblically-based, and studying the Bible has been demonized, pardon the pun, in our hyper-secular society. Any kind of "religiosity" can get you labeled in a pejorative way.
But in order to understand evil, you have to channel Moses and the Ten Commandments. Uh-oh. A document that instructs folks about what not to do? Can't have that - far too judgmental.
Most Americans might be able to remember a few commandments - like do not kill or commit adultery - but it gets foggy after that for secular citizens who far outnumber spiritual Americans.
But the Commandments, which adorn the main chamber of the US Supreme Court, are simple: if you intentionally harm another person, that is an evil act.
But most of us have done that?
Yes, we're all sinners. We are often weak. We lie about others (bearing false witness), we steal (cheat), and we put our own desires over others, even if that hurts them.
So, most human beings commit evil acts, but it is those who consistently harm people who are truly evil. I put that number at about 15 percent of humanity, based on my experience and historical knowledge. Lot of folks.
Of course, few will admit they are evil. There's always an excuse. Here's a vivid example. The drug addict who steals, mugs, or sells narcotics to others in order to obtain money to get high. These people routinely commit acts of evil, but society has afforded them an out: they have a "disease." Therefore, the crimes they commit are ignored in many jurisdictions.
So, the addict or alcoholic is free to live a life of inebriation, harming their children and families and countless strangers in pursuit of mind alteration. These people are allowed to run wild while bringing pain and suffering to those they target.
It's evil; the entire substance abuse world is revolting.
Back to the Bible. One of the worst sins is harming children, which is made quite clear. Another evil is betrayal; that's why Judas Iscariot is featured so prominently in the New Testament. Sins of the flesh are largely forgivable unless incorporated into a lifestyle. Herod Antipas executed John the Baptist for pointing that out.
Murder is evil; that's a given. The psychotics killing innocent people may be emotionally disturbed, but that does not excuse them. The drug gangs gunning down thousands across the country are pure evil. So are members of the Mexican drug cartels who, if there is a higher power, will be spending the after-life time with the Nazis and Stalin/Mao acolytes.
Finally, the internet makes hurting others much easier on a variety of fronts as anonymous gutter-snipes wail away. Also, truly evil people can find cohorts much easier in cyberspace than they ever could in real life.
American public schools need to begin teaching about the struggle between good and evil, which defines the Judeo-Christian philosophy upon which the US Constitution is based. No religion is needed. Just a belief in right and wrong and why evil must be aggressively rejected by a just society.
Not optimistic that will happen because we live in a cowardly time - when many simply turn away from evil acts. They don't want to get involved.
This enables the brutal evil we see all the time the world over. Yes, evil-doers will always be with us. But now we are making it easier for them.
God help us.