George Soros' Open Society Foundation
November 28, 2018

One of the most important unreported political stories in the country is the rise of non-profit groups that target people for destruction. These groups are funded by private donations and represent a serious threat to political discourse and action. Disturbingly, their actions are being done in the shadows.

According to reporting in The Wall Street Journal, George Soros is deeply involved in attacking people with whom he disagrees. At least 20 groups that tried to destroy Brett Kavanaugh had received substantial donations from Soros’ Open Society Foundation.

50 of the largest groups protesting President Trump in the “Women’s March” got Soros money according to research by journalist Asra Nomani.

Tonight on The No Spin News, we’ll continue our reporting on Soros by providing you with facts that the national media should be putting out there. But those people generally like what Soros does so they protect him. The media also enabled the smear that if you criticize Soros, you are anti-Semitic.

Hope you check in tonight beginning at 7. Important broadcast.

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Posted by Bill O'Reilly at 9:21 AM
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