Bill O'Reilly
October 8, 2015
Will Kate's Law Ever Get Passed?

As you may know, The Factor has taken the lead in trying to convince Congress and President Obama to pass Kate's Law after 32-year-old Kate Steinle was shot dead by an illegal alien felon who had been deported five times.

Kate's Law would punish illegal alien criminals with aggravated felony convictions who come back to America after being deported.

They would receive a minimum mandatory sentence of five years in prison.

The law is very simple.  If you are an aggravated felon and you defy deportation, you go to prison the moment you're caught here.

But passing it is anything but simple.

Later this month, Senator Mitch McConnell, the majority leader, will introduce a bill on the Senate floor that contains Kate's Law.

But it also contains a provision to take federal money away from sanctuary cities.

That dooms the law because Democrats will filibuster in the Senate and a full vote will most likely not take place.

Everybody in the Senate knows that.

So the American people, including Kate Steinle's family, will not get the justice that Kate's Law demands.

Now I have spoken to many senators asking why Kate's Law cannot have a standalone vote.

There are a variety of excuses but bottom line: It's more about party politics than protecting the folks.

For the record, Senator McConnell would not take my call.

Neither would Senator Diane Feinstein, a leading Democrat.

Those two Americans could make Kate's Law a reality if they had the will.

McConnell and Feinstein are the folks we must persuade.

So you may want to contact their offices and tell them that Kate's Law deserves a standalone vote.

We have posted their information on  Please let them hear from you loud and clear.

Now I support de-funding sanctuary cities, but I know the Democrats will not do it and President Obama would not sign it.

But Kate's Law is a different story. Any politician opposing strict penalties for foreign felons who defy deportation is unfit to hold office.

Unfit to hold office.  You cannot defend that vote.

Today House Republicans are dealing with chaos, as the new Speaker of the House situation descends into uncertainty.

And the American public is fed up with Congress getting little done.

If Congress cannot even pass a simple piece of legislation that would protect innocent Americans from harm and give law enforcement a powerful tool to break up foreign gangs on American soil – if Congress cannot even do that - the USA is in dire trouble.

Let Kate's Law stand on it's own, vote on it and it will pass.

And if it doesn't, then the world will know which senators and Congress people are truly villainous.

Get the law to President Obama and let history record what happens.

And that's the memo.

Posted by Bill O'Reilly