Why Democrats Oppose Border Security
By: Bill O'ReillyFebruary 13, 2019
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Bill O'Reilly's Talking Points Memo is BACK! O'Reilly is on Newsmax TV to give specifics on why the Democratic party objects to a barrier on the border. 

: Hi, I'm Bill O'Reilly, and this is the Talking Points Memo.

You know, this whole border wall thing is phony. It's not what the powers that be want you to believe it is. It's really disturbing.

So the Democratic Party opposes building a border fence, wall, barrier or whatever it may be.


There is never a cogent reason - you can give all the stats you want. Millions of people come in here through the southern border. Tons of narcotics flow in every month. People get hurt all over the border region.

So why would you object to a barrier? Again, no cogent reason.

But here it is, you ready? The Democratic Party has taken control of the nation's largest state California.

It's a one party state. Republicans don't have a chance to for power in California. They used to, Richard Nixon came out of California. Ronald Reagan, two term governor even Arnold Schwarzenegger who is a kind of Republican he got elected.

Not anymore.

1970, there were three million Hispanics living in the Golden State, Latinos. All right. three million. Today 15 million, 55 percent of Hispanics eligible to vote in California are Democrats, 55 percent. Only 17 percent are Republican, 24 percent.

So they have no party allegiance that has driven the Democratic Party to power in the Golden State. Because you go from 3 million to 15 million. All right. And more than half are Democrats.

You just do the math and people are moving out of California because of the progressive policies, high taxation.

Now Democratic Party saw that and they control the largest amount of electoral votes in the presidential election because California's biggest state. The same things happen here in New York. Same thing, influx of foreign nationals. It's changed the whole voting pattern.

Democrats control New York City. Top to bottom. OK.

Alexandra Ocasio Cortez was out of the Bronx and because the city is so huge they dominate the state. So the Democrats hold the governorship and both houses in the state legislation in Albany and what do we have? Progressive policies. So the Democratic Party sees this. They know this and they say you know what. If we can have open borders, if we can get as many Latinos in through Mexico we're going to obtain power in other states like Arizona, which is much more liberal than it used to be. And we're going to be able to spread that as the Latino community expands in the United States and breaking 3 to 1, 3 to 1 Latinos give the Democratic Party over the Republican Party.

And that makes sense. Because if you are a foreign national, a poor person in particular and you come to the hyper competitive society that is America you need the help. You don't speak English. You're going to need help. And what party promises you entitlements, the Democratic Party. The Republican Party favors a safety net but they're a party of self-reliance. They don't want big government intrusion. The Democratic Party wants to hand out everything to everybody.

Every time there is a welfare bill that demands work most Democrats vote against it. Now Bill Clinton signed such a bill if you remember President Clinton, not anymore.

So if you're a foreign national you come to the United States you're going to sign up with the party that's going to promise you stuff. Right? That's going to promise you income equality, that's going to promise you social justice, that's going to promise you that they will punish the white power structure.

And that's what the Democratic Party is all about these days. You know, everybody knows it.

Undeniable that that's what the border wall stuff is all about a secure southern border stops the flow of millions of Latinos into the United States. This is not a racist thing. It's just a fact thing. This is a political thing. Nothing to do with race. If Latinos were breaking three to one Republican, the Democrats would oppose. They put the wall up so fast, you go what's that?!

I'm Bill O'Reilly for Newsmax and that is the Talking Points Memo.

I remind you that we do commentary on BillOReilly.com every night - we hope you check it out.

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