Who's Zoomin' Who?
By: Bill O'ReillyMarch 8, 2024
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Who's Zoomin' Who?
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With apologies to the late Aretha Franklin, President Biden may be zoomin' us. I was surprised to hear that "fair share" is back in the State of the Union address: an oldie but a goodie brought to us by a genuine oldie.
That's right. After three years under Joe, U.S. corporations are STILL not paying enough tax to the government, leaving Aunt Bea and Uncle Lester bereft, bothered, and bewildered as they struggle to survive because General Motors has all the money.
But if we reelect Joe, he will get the cash from the fat cats even though he hasn't been able to do that yet. Be patient, Joe is on it, as they say in Australia, no worries, mate.
Also, until the President's speech, I didn't know the USA has the lowest inflation rate in the world, and apparently Canada, France, Switzerland, and a bevy of other countries aren't aware either, as they have rates almost a percentage point lower than we do.
No matter. While the essentials of life remain about 17 percent higher since Joe took over, the U.S. inflation rate is falling on paper. But not in the grocery store. No joke.
At this point in my opus, let's turn positive for a moment. Then we'll get back to being snarky.

The President looked dapper and the Vice President was well turned out as she popped up and down from her seat applauding like a seal on steroids.
In fact, about the only time Kamala didn't clap was when her boss said "Lincoln Riley" was killed by an "illegal."
The murder of 22-year-old Laken has become a key campaign issue.
But, again, no worries. Nancy Pelosi told CNN that the President's use of the word "illegal" is no big deal.
Really? Saying that could get you expelled from Stanford, Madam.
I was a bit surprised that Mr. Biden read the 68-minute speech with energy and was coherent through most of it. That will help him, no question. But there was nothing new; same old class and race stuff. The Ku Klux Klan and Hitler got shout outs.
Did you notice that Senator Chuck Schumer looked a bit like Rasputin as he walked in with the President? I mean, Chuck was right on top of him, close enough to pick his pocket or get in all the photos. Wearing his trademark light blue Coney Island suit, Schumer looked shifty, to say the least. I half expected him to pull out some Turkish Taffy.
And then there were the Democrats dressed in white to salute " reproductive freedom." It's to America's great shame that an existence-ending medical procedure has now become a badge of honor in some places. What's next: a sports-like cheer? "Give me an A ..."
Finally, riddle me this. What do Joe Biden and Donald Trump have in common? Easy one, neither will ever admit a mistake.
Joe did not acknowledge how his open border policy has led to massive pain and suffering. Instead, he told us that America is a "land of immigrants."
Who knew?
So the Prez is feeling good today, thoroughly convinced he's doing a heckuva job and will get his "fair share" of votes.
Which he might.
God help us.

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