Where There's a Will
By: Bill O'ReillyJune 7, 2020
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Where There's a Will
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The insufferably arrogant columnist George Will is demanding President Trump be removed from office for a variety of offenses that make Al Capone look like Shirley Temple, if anyone remembers The Good Ship Lollipop girl.
Will is an elitist D.C. Republican who sees Mr. Trump as a Visigoth that doesn’t know which fork to use.  Since Will is syndicated by the ferociously anti-Trump Washington Post, his bread remains buttered.  No margarine, please.
So Curious George wants Joe Biden to be the next president, even as he watches violent anti-American behavior hurt thousands of citizens and actually kill some of them.  Question: will surrendering to the activist mob improve this country?  Will Mr. Biden stand up to the destroyers?
No chance.
Despite being clouded by his hatred for Donald Trump, George Will has to know that Joe Biden will never challenge Black Lives Matter or the other destructive groups that want to destroy the fabric of the nation. Under the banner of “social justice,” the radicals are now making gains which would only accelerate under a “woke” President Biden.
If the former Vice President does win in November, here’s what “we the people” can expect.
Many criminals will not be punished and will be released after arrest with no bail.  That’s because “non-violent” offenses like possession of heroin with intent to sell are now considered crimes caused by white society. Or something.
The police, not lawbreakers, will be suspect and in some places like Minneapolis, traditional law enforcement will be replaced by holistic policies.
Our politically correct culture will vastly expand.  All men accused by women will be guilty, all those who oppose liberalism will be branded bigots, due process will disappear. 

Some college campuses will even ban non-liberal speech.  Virtue-signaling, not facts or reason, will dominate education.
Taxes will rise along with entitlement spending.  That will strangle the economy which will be increasingly regulated by the federal government in order to “combat” climate change.
A wealth tax will be passed, the first step in a program that would allow federal seizure of private assets. That’s something the socialists must have in order to impose a “just” society.  Not all Democrats are socialists but plenty of them are.
Illegal immigration will be accepted. Amnesty for undocumented people a certainty.  Sanctuary places that shield foreign criminals will continue their lawless conduct.  Millions of foreign nationals will be encouraged to apply for asylum and flood into the country.
Abortion at any time for any reason will be funded by taxpayers.  If you object on religious or moral grounds, you will be branded a “misogynist.”
Overseas, Biden will do what Barack Obama did, allow other nations to set the agenda. Israel will get hammered.  China will run wild. Putin will duplicate his seizure of Crimea elsewhere.  Maybe, Michael Moore will be Secretary of State.
I could go on but you get it, I’m sure.  A President Biden will do what the far left wants him to do.  Mr. Biden has changed just about every core belief he’s ever held and, despite his excoriation of the Trump administration, couldn’t even come up with a single thing he would have done differently to combat the pandemic or quiet the riots. The man is not exactly a problem-solver.
George Will’s personal animosity towards Donald Trump overrides all that I just enumerated and he is not alone.  Many Americans are ignoring danger ahead because they are fixated on a controversial President.
So here it is:  traditional America is under siege.  One presidential candidate will fight that.  One presidential candidate will not.
See you in November.

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