They're Not Victims
By: Bill O'ReillyJune 25, 2023
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They're Not Victims

The United States has lost its way. But you knew that. We are living in a time where personal responsibility means little. And a vivid example of that is people who consume hard drugs.

How dare you? Your behavior has led to millions of deaths. You, yourself, are at grave risk and, depending on your addiction level, are worthless to society.

By buying narcotics, you fuel lethal domestic drug gangs and the ultra-vicious Mexican cartels. When you pollute yourself with intoxicants, you harm those who depend on you. Most child abuse and neglect is caused by substance abusers.

Often, you are so screwed up you can't earn an honest living. So you have to steal, sell poison to others, or prostitute yourself to buy drugs. You sometimes live in the streets, crashing civility and causing hard-working taxpayers to spend millions cleaning up after your "lifestyle."

You have literally destroyed entire neighborhoods in San Francisco, Chicago, Baltimore, and other chaotic places that consider you a victim.

Of what? Nobody forced you to become a drug addict and lawbreaker. Yes, you may have an addictive personality, but so do millions of others who do not devote their lives to intoxication. The Constitution does not give you the right to "pursue happiness" by hurting people or walking around stoned all day.

The hard truth is you should be isolated from society, given "treatment", and, if you continue your druggie ways, isolated for a longer period of time.

You, Mr. and Ms. drug user, contribute nothing to this country. You cause pain by committing crimes and ignoring your responsibility as productive human beings.

You are not victims. Only fools believe you are. Clean up before you die in a drug haze. Stop hurting innocent people in your selfish pursuit of inebriation.

It is long past time to call these drug addicts out, alcoholics as well.

Enough. Stop the excuse-making. These people have to be confronted. Not coddled.

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