The Upcoming Showdown Between Robert Mueller and President Trump
By: Bill O'ReillyAugust 2, 2018
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The intense ongoing confrontation between Special Counsel Robert Mueller and President Trump is harming the entire country. People are taking sides and are despising each other, the stock market is wary, and foreign governments are sensing potential weakness.

Mr. Mueller must understand that unless there is demonstrable evidence of serious coordination between the Trump campaign and Russian government agents during the 2016 election, the case is not worth pursuing. Going after “obstruction” or other after-the-fact allegations is garbage. Nitpicking or contriving criminal activity at this level does the nation grievous harm.

On the other side, it is only fair to let Mr. Mueller state his case. To shut down his investigation would be a major mistake and would severely damage the country. But Robert Mueller should understand that his staff is not a wrecking crew. He has a responsibility to present strong evidence of serious wrongdoing or walk away with a detailed explanation of his investigation.

If Mr. Mueller is truly a patriot, he will wrap up his now 14 month probe before the midterm election. If he cannot accomplish that he should explain why.

Don’t hurt the country, Mr. Mueller. Do the right thing.

Tonight on the No Spin News, I will interview Victor Davis Hanson about the Trump-Mueller death match. Yet another segment you will see no where else. It all begins at 7 eastern time.

Thanks for visiting us today.

TagsInvestigationRober MuellerRussia CollusionTrumpWhite House