The Truth About The Virus
By: Bill O'ReillyMarch 26, 2020
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If you cruise through social media, you will soon come to the conclusion that we will all die very shortly.  Hysteria is in full bloom as April approaches.
So how about some truth telling?  Here goes. Less than two percent of the people initially contracting the contagion have died.  About 20 percent had to be hospitalized.  This isn’t Ebola.  Not minimizing the plague, just reporting the facts.
New York City is the worst.  People live on top of each other.  Places like Wyoming are the safest.  Plenty of space to social distance.
A vaccine will eventually be found, most likely coming from a big pharmaceutical company. You know, the ones Sanders and Warren want to destroy.  Geniuses those two.  
I have no idea how long the contagion will last, but I am fierce in telling you the truth about it.  You remember the truth, it used to be valued in the media.  But that was long ago.
So let’s go back in time.  Catch the No Spin News beginning at 7 this evening.  See you there.

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