The Southern Border Emergency Situation Continues
By: Bill O'ReillyMarch 4, 2019
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It looks like both houses of congress will dissent from President Trump’s State of Emergency declaration on the southern border.  The House has already given thumbs down, and the Senate is expected to vote shortly.  However, a few Republican Senators have already signaled they will not support Mr. Trump’s attempt to get more wall funding through the declaration.
That’s too bad, because the southern border is an emergency situation.  Millions of foreign nationals have illegally crossed into the USA, and tons of dangerous narcotics flow through, sometimes easily.
Everyone knows this.  Yet an entire political party, the Democrats, continue to oppose strict border control.  It is a terrible situation that harms every single American.
The Republican opposition to the emergency declaration centers around giving the President too much power to dodge congress when funding is the issue.  But that’s a theoretical argument.  Hey, an emergency is an emergency.  That’s why the Declaration option is constitutional.
Tonight on the No Spin News, which Democrat has the best chance of defeating Donald Trump in 2020?  We will tell you.
See you later.