The Return of the Loch Ness Monster
By: Bill O'ReillyAugust 11, 2019
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The Return of the Loch Ness Monster
In 1933, most likely in a small, smoke-filled pub, someone came up with the idea of creating a giant lake bound creature to attract attention to a remote region in central Scotland.
It was the middle of the depression and to say people were suffering economically in the Loch Ness area, is the understatement of the 20th century.  Things were monstrous - so why not create one?  Maybe folks might go up there to check out the mystery, then spend money in the pub. 
It worked. 
All the world over folks heard about the Loch Ness monster (nicknamed Nessie) and more than a few believed the myth.
Tourists and money poured in, followed by actual scientists who eventually put out a statement: “The scientific community regards the Loch Ness Monster as a phenomenon without basis.”
In other words - a hoax.
Today in America, the monster is Donald Trump.  And those who would like to destroy the President are trying to create a fearsome creature: a White Supremacist with colossal power who is wrecking havoc on the nation.
After failing to cripple Mr. Trump with charges of conspiring with Russia to subvert the election of 2016, the race card has been dealt again.  But it’s not that Trump is a beneficiary of “white privilege” anymore.  Nope.  Now the President is a full-fledged “White Supremacist.”
Listen to Senator Elizabeth Warren:  “It’s just one piece of evidence after another, when he has been so embraced by the white supremacists and has not distanced himself, then he’s there.”
Senator Kamala Harris:  "[President Trump] is someone who empowers white supremacists, and who condones their behavior ...”
Well, in my opinion, the Trump-haters are creating a myth similar to Nessie.  So let’s examine what’s happening in a fact-based way.
If you understand what white supremacy really is, you know the best example is The Third Reich.  Under Hitler, the German people were told that they were the master race, based primarily on their “aryan” caucasian blood lines.
If you read my book “Killing the SS,” you will learn how that white supremacist philosophy was put into policy.  The result was millions dead, tens of millions brutalized.
While researching my upcoming book “The United States of Trump,” we could not find one example of the President discussing skin color in a pejorative way or promoting caucasian dominance.  

Of course, Mr. Trump’s statements against illegal immigration, Muslim terrorism, and the economic failure of some third world countries are being used to create a racial theory, but theories are not facts and are often wrong.
Likewise, when Mr. Trump criticizes a staunch opponent like Congressman Elijah Cummings, some allege that skin color motivates the controversy, but there is absolutely no evidence that is the case.  Donald Trump castigates perceived enemies of every color and race.  His speech is remarkably uninhabited, sometimes brutal.
Without direct evidence, branding the President a white supremacy adherent becomes a cheap piece of political propaganda.  And I would say the same thing about any politician maligned that way if flimsy evidence were used in the smear.  In the upcoming Trump book, I spend some time on the Charlottesville controversy and the factual evidence will demonstrate that white supremacy did not play a role in the President’s statements.
Of course, for Trump-haters, no amount of evidence will back them off of racial condemnation.  They will use every possible slur to damage him.
But fair-minded Americans should closely scrutinize the racial demonization that is currently embraced by some democrats and members of the national media.
The propaganda distributors in Nazi Germany were experts in how to create myths surrounding racial accusations.  They were specialists in demonization.  As the despicable Nazi Joseph Goebbels once said: “if you repeat a lie often enough, it becomes the truth.”
Many Americans do not approve of President Trump.  That is their civic and constitutional right.  But he is not a white supremacist and does not seek to “empower” those dangerous people.
Another myth that should be deposited at the bottom of Loch Ness.

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