The Ongoing Battle Between Trump and Mueller
By: Bill O'ReillyMay 3, 2018
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In the ongoing battle between those who want to destroy President Trump and his defenders, signals are often sent through the media.
Last night on Hannity, the President’s new lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, attacked former FBI chief James Comey in very personal terms.  That was by design.
Very soon, the Inspector General at the Justice Department will issue a report on how the FBI handled the Hillary Clinton email investigation as well as the Russia collusion probe.  It would seem as if Mr. Giuliani knows the report will besmirch Mr. Comey.
Think about it.  If the IG report says Comey did a swell job on the investigations, Giuliani will look foolish.  So, I believe he is sending a signal:  Comey is going down and we know it.
If that happens, Robert Mueller’s entire investigation wobbles because the FBI gathered information for the Special Prosecutor.  You can see where this is all going.
Tonight on The No Spin News, we will have the best analysis anywhere of the upcoming Trump/Mueller show down. The action begins at 7 eastern time.
See you then.
TagsInvestigationRober MuellerRussiaRussian CollusionTrumpWhite House
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