The Implications of the Iran Situation
By: Bill O'ReillyJanuary 7, 2020
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The threat of war or actual war itself will not help President Trump get re-elected.  Most Americans have had quite enough of the Middle East and Iran.  While terrorists are fair targets, attacking an entire nation is quite something else.
Donald Trump understands this because he turned bitterly against the Iraq war and sees the Afghanistan mess as a loser for America. However, the President believes weakness overseas hurts the country and therefore finds himself in a conundrum.
 Mr. Trump would much rather make a deal with Iran, North Korea, and China then fight them.  But when dealing with fanatics and/or crazy people, sometimes deals are impossible.
I don’t expect the Iran situation will develop into  a full war but, rather, targeted military action may occur.  If Iran continues to provoke violence, the President will punish the Mullahs.
The American “resistance” will oppose any military action by Mr. Trump, that’s a given. But non-fanatical folks understand the United States must defend itself so I believe the public will be fair in assessing the ongoing problem with the Iranians.
But President Trump should be cautious here.  War, pardon the pun, is a loaded gun for him.

Tonight we’ll continue with the best election coverage anywhere.  Why is Bernie Sanders gaining ground?  See you at 7 eastern.

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