The Idiocy of Whiteness
By: Bill O'ReillyApril 5, 2018
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The Idiocy of Whiteness
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An American in pursuit of happiness, Dr. Marshall DeRosa teaches Constitutional Law and American Political Theory at Florida Atlantic University.  But radical elements on campus do not like DeRosa because he is conservative.  Therefore, they have falsely branded him a “white supremacist” putting his life and livelihood in a precarious place. 

At the University of Denver, two “scholars” have one-upped Florida Atlantic.  Cheryl Matias and Paul Le write about white skin color this way: “Whiteness embraces White ideology, and because Whites are at the apex of the racial hierarchy, whiteness becomes normalized and is invisible... 

“This is particularly troubling because the normality of whiteness means that Whites do not believe that they are actively investing in White supremacy or racism, which keeps oppression intact.” 

Wow.  So if you are born Caucasian you practice white supremacy no matter what!   Good grief, Charlie Brown. 

This kind of nonsensical drivel has taken deep root on many college campuses and is being actively peddled as fact in some media precincts.  College administrators are paralyzed with fear over the racial attacks, not wanting to be branded like Dr. DeRosa. 

Thus, racism goes unchecked - only this time it is bigotry directed at folks with white skin.  There is also a radical element that is attacking heterosexual people as oppressing those with alternative lifestyles. 

The goal here is achieving power for special interests.  Under the banner of “diversity,” demands are being made on campus ranging from special “safe spaces” for minorities, to alternative grading for students who are victims of “white supremacy.” 

On the political front, reparations for slavery is the goal; cash payments to African-Americans for the suffering of their ancestors. 

If you oppose the anti-white movement, you instantly commit a “macro-aggression” against non-white people and, of course, that must be punished.  The way this racism is being framed is simply stunning. 

And dangerous. 

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., brutally assassinated 50 years ago this week by a true racist, made it quite clear: people are not to be judged by the color of their skin.  Dr. King, I believe, would be very upset with the growing attacks on “whiteness.”  These racial assaults deeply divide Americans and create seething resentment.   

The USA, as it stands now, is in trouble.  We have lost due process in the public arena, standards of journalism have collapsed, and aggressive racism is accepted and even encouraged on many college campuses.  We are a divided people; grievance is growing and so is hatred for each other. 

It is sad for me to watch this.  Skin color should never be an issue.  After many years of anti-black policies, America has finally developed a system where racism against minorities can be responsibly confronted.  It’s not perfect but it’s usually effective.   

However, to demonize and accuse based upon a contrived white supremacy narrative is a display of staggering injustice.  And there isn’t an antidote to that or even a public outcry. 

We had better get this stuff under control, or very bad things are going to happen.

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