Far-Left Smears My Analysis on Hannity's Radio Show
By: Bill O'ReillyApril 9, 2020
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On April 1, the CDC reported that 73 percent of all Americans hospitalized for COVID have a preexisting health condition that made them vulnerable for the contagion.  That lines up with a study out of China that states less than one percent of virus fatalities occur in folks with no health problems.
In a discussion yesterday with Sean Hannity, I stated those things.  Almost immediately, the vile, far-left hate site Media Matters smeared my analysis as “macabre.”
Another website, Mediaite, picked up the propaganda and added to it implying Spain and Italy have better health systems than the USA.  Sure they do.  That’s why the virus death rate in those countries is ten times higher than what we have in America.
The far left wants chaos and carnage so President Trump will lose re-election.  They are not interested in facts and will try to punish people who provide perspective.
The pandemic is extremely deadly but not the Black Plague.  It will be defeated but panic is not part of the solution.  I flagged the virus on January 22 and have reported honestly on it ever since.  But I also understand what Media Matters and their hateful friends are up to.
More on this tonight.  See you for the No Spin News beginning at 7.

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