The Far-Left Agenda
By: Bill O'ReillyOctober 29, 2024
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The Wall Street Journal editorial page is convinced that if Kamala Harris is elected, she will target the Supreme Court for destruction by "packing" it with political appointees. The opinion makes sense because the court is the strongest barrier to a progressive takeover of the country.
To me, that's the most dangerous political situation this country has faced since the south seceded in 1860.  The progressive left is totalitarian, and Ms. Harris is their spear point.  The far-left agenda includes the following:
- Amnesty for undocumented migrants.
- Reparations for slavery.
- Allowing the government to undermine parental authority in abortion and gender matters involving their children.
- Severe restrictions on firearms.
- Onerous taxation on the affluent and corporations.  "Fair share."
- A government-regulated economy that mandates "green" strategies that all companies would have to obey.
- A "reimagining" of criminal punishment. Prison sentences would be reduced dramatically.
- Imposed equity where the federal government would provide entitlements to selected groups.
- Strict limits on speech.  New federal laws would punish expression against so-called "marginalized" people.  Scandinavian countries have that.
- A weaponized Justice Department and IRS.  Those agencies could initiate actions designed to punish political opponents. Few citizens could afford the court costs.
There is no question that progressives support all of the above.  Dangerous doesn't even come close.
That's what's at stake on November 5.  Do you think most voters realize it?
See you this evening for the No Spin News.

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